Enabling Automatic Configuration

Enabling Automatic Configuration

1. Introduction

From Dbvisit Standby MultiPlatform 11.1 , a new feature of automatic configuration and DR database creation has been introduced. This feature avoids the need to manually add configuration everytime a new SQL Server database is created in primary and then run the DR Database creation process. This feature when turned on will automatically detect any new database created and create a configuration and then the DR database.

The below example show the detailed steps with a screenshot Enable Automatic Configuration

Primary Host: Toru

Standby Host: Tahi

Newly added databases in the Primary host: TestA, TestB, TestC, QA


  1. You can enable it by clicking (1) or by Clicking (2).

2. Click on (2) to Manage Instance Pairs

3. Click (1) to change the settings

4. By default this feature is disabled.

( 1 ) Enable this to have the database configuration and DR database automatically created from the current primary to standby in the below case Toru to Tahi.

( 2 ) Enable this to have database configuration and DR database automatically created when the configuration is switchover and Tahi becomes the primary.

Once Enabled all the databases present in the Primary SQL Server Instance are added automatically to Standby Host Toru. You can exclude particular databases by adding them to the Exclusion list(4) and save (5). Any new databases added henceforth would have the configuration and the DR database automatically created.


5. Added database QA and Adworks to the Exclusion list. Click Save(1) and then Cancel (2) to exit the page

6. Go Back to Dashboard (1), Automatic Configuration (2) and Disaster Recovery (3)is setup for Database TestA, TestB, and TestC are created.


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