Prepare Dbvisit Switchover Scripts

Prepare Dbvisit Switchover Scripts

Download Scripts

Connect to Central Console machine under the owner of dbvcontrol process and download following scripts to a home directory:

git clone https://www.bitbucket.org/dbvisitsoftware/fsdr-scripts.git

Change the permissions to the scripts so that they are executable:

chmod -R 770 ~/fsdr-scripts

Setup Passwordless ssh connections

The scripts connect between machines through ssh. In order to run properly, you need to setup user equivalency between the Central Console machine and each database machines.

You can use chapter “Configure SSH Equivalency” in guide: https://support.dbvisit.com/hc/en-us/articles/217069247-Using-SSH-as-Primary-Communication-Layer-for-Dbvisit-Standby

to setup passwordless equivalency.