Using Dbvcontrol Webconsole

Using Dbvcontrol Webconsole

This page describes only generic usage dbvcontrol webserver GUI for all database platforms. If you require information for specific task for specific database platform, check relevant dedicated Documentation section. For example for how to execute Oracle Graceful Switchover from dbvcontrol, check the Oracle specific documentation.

1. First Login

To use dbvcontrol webserver interface, you will need to enter following URL into your browser:


Use the hostname or IP of the host where you installed dbvcontrol component and make sure to check dbvcontrol is up and running on that host:


Starting and Stopping Dbvisit StandbyMP

You will be able to see login page similar to this one:


Default username: admin

Default password: admin

When logged in for the first time or when no configuration exists, you will be directed to the New Configuration page:


From which you can proceed.

dbvagentmanagers which you install will connect to the dbvcontrol automatically, there’s no need to “add” the hosts. If you can’t see the host when creating configruation, it either means that dbvagentmanager is not running on that particular host or that there are communication issues.

2. Dbvcontrol options

When using dbvcontrol you can use following options:



Provides you with an overview of all of your current configurations and enables you to perform various actions


Start a guided process to create Oracle, SQL Server or Postgres configuration


Provides interface to add, edit or remove SQL Server instances. This is described in more detail in SQL Server Guide


You can add users and modify their roles to dbvcontrol. User are local users only, there’s no interface with AD or LDAP authentication


provides comprehensive task overview with filtering based on configuration


User can enable various options for dbvcontrol such as laguage and amount of tasks displayed


logs user out

3. Dashboard

Dashboard provides you with complete overview of your configurations, enables you to view the current status and gives you possibility to perform various actions. All three database platforms share same GUI concept, but there are minor differences of each platform.

You are able to control and see configurations of all three database platform in single Dashboard.

The dashboard contains full set of information about your DR configurations, current warnings / alerts and an overview of recent tasks.


Explanation of the whole dashboard:

Picture Number



Picture Number




ACTIONS Pane Button

When user mouseovers next to configuration name, ACTION pane button becomes visible.


DDC (Dbvisit Database Configuration Name)

DDC name which specified when creating the configuration. Used for dbvcli and dbvctl command line tools.

3 + 4

Primary and Standby Database Status

Current status of primary and standby database. See below for more details



summary of latest taks. Tasks can have status “Completed Successfully” (Green), “Completed with error” (Red), “Pending” (Blue)


Feature Status

Summary of currently enabled and disabled features


SQL Server Instance Pair

SQL Server only - DDCs for SQL Server are grouped by instance pair on the dashboard.


Quick Database Platform Filter

quick filter enablig users to display DDCs for particular database platform only


Detailed Filter

using detailed filter, users can filter by hostnames, standby database state etc ..


Dbvcontrol version

Displays current dbvcontrol version.

3.1 ACTIONS Pane

Actions pane becomes visible after clicking on ACTIONS button and is specific to selected DDC:


The DDC Name (1) specifies for which DDC the available actions (2) will be performed. User can also view & change licensing information (3)

Note that the visible actions are by default limited and defined by current primary and standby database status and also by DDC status. So for example if primary database is down, option to backup & send logs will not be visible. To see complete list of actions including unavailable one, toggle the eye icon (4). Note that you will still be unable to perform the actions:


3.2 Database Status

Database status displays the actual status of databases. Some database statuses are shared among all 3 platforms, some statuses are specific to certain database platform.

The database roles positions are fixed: source on the left, standby on the right. If databases would switch roles, the server names will be changed, but the source will be always in the left column.

The possible statuses databases can have are:

Statuses Shared among all platforms


Dbvagentmanager on the host is unreachable or cannot retrieve database status. Any actions pefrormed in GUI will skip unreachable agent


Oracle, SQL Server or Postgres database in Read-Write mode


Oracle, SQL Server or Postgresql database when shut down


Oracle, SQL Server or Postgresql database in Read-Only mode


Oracle, SQL Server or Postgres database in undeterminable mode

Oracle Specific Statuses


Oracle Database with Standby Controlfile in MOUNT mode


Oracle Database with Primary Controlfile in MOUNT mode


Oracle Database in NOMOUNT mode

SQL Server Specific Statuses


SQL Server Database in Restoring state

Postrgesql Specific Statuses


Postgresql Streaming or Wal Archiving Target Database in Hot Standby mode


Postgresql Streaming or Wal Archiving Target Database in Warm Standby mode

3.3 Feature Status

Status icons indicate whether various feature are enabled or not for specific configuration. The status icons are grey (not enabled) or blue (enabled):


DR Readiness Score

Counts amount of DR features which are used for specific DDC. The more features used (for example apply delay, notifications … ) the higher the score


DR Readiness Score

Counts amount of DR features which are used for specific DDC. The more features used (for example apply delay, notifications … ) the higher the score


Automated Standby Update

Indicates whether Automated Standby update (ASU) is active


Standby Log Application Delay

Indicates whether Standby Log application delay is active


Observer Active

Indicates whether observer is active


Mail Settings Provided and Mail notifications

Indicates whether email settings were provided and whether the email notification are enabled


Standby Read Only Schedule (SQL Server only)

Indicates if there is read-only schedule active for the SQL Server configuration


Error / Warning

Error, but can be also yellow icon (Warning). Indicates a minor error which needs to be addressed


Number of databases in cluster (Postgresql only)

Indicates the total number of databases are in pgsql primary cluster

There’s always tooltip available with detailed onformation on mouse-over.

3.4 Tasks Pane

If ACTIONS pane is not opened for any DDC, the list of tasks and events will be visible on the right side of the Dashboard. The tasks provide at first glance overview whether the task was successful. Clicking on the task will bring up detailed information:


It is possible to delete the task and therefore hide it after clicking on “Hide Task” (1)

Clicking on Hide Task for running/pending Task will not cancel its processing

Events share the pane with tasks. Events can be of various origin: dbvagentmanager, observer and database. Events can be:

  • ongoing errors (red)

  • ongoing warnings (yellow)

  • cleared (green)

  • Inactive (greyed-out)

The event is cleared only in case the next check for failed metric is successful. Events can’t be manually cleared.

Notifications are sent only for some event types

3.5 Sorting and Filtering

User can sort & filter based on database platform by selecting the appropriate tab (1):


Or you can bring up more complex filtering pop-up window (2):


In this case, you can filter displayed DDC configurations based on various criteria and also sort.

3.6 Multiple Configurations Actions

To ease up most frequent administraion tasks, there is a possibility to perform same actions on multiple configurations. This is possible across database platforms, but only some actions can be performed this way. Available Multiple Configuration Actions are:


SQL Server



SQL Server


Setup Disaster Recovery

Setup Disaster Recovery

Setup Disaster Recovery

Backup and Apply Logs

Backup and Apply Logs

Graceful Switchover

Graceful Switchover

Graceful Switchover

Activate Standby

Activate Standby

Activate Standby

Remove Configuration

Remove Configuration

Remove Configuration


Automated Standby Update

Automated Standby Update


Standby Update Delay

Standby Update Delay


To perform Multiple Configuration Actions, first select all DDCs you want to perform specific action on:


Once you select at least two DDCs (1,2) you will be able to see “Open Multiple Configurations Actions” (3). You can cancel the select by clicking on (4) or (5)


After clicking the Open Multiple Configuration Actions, you will be able to perform specific action for all selected DDCs:


Modifying Automated Standby, Standby Update Delay and Observer update will overwrite all selected DDCs with specified values.

4. Users

In Users section, new users can be added and it is possible to modify existing and Admin user properties including password.


Each user has property “Email” which only servers as contact address for the user and has no other than informational purpose (for example it is not used in monitoring)

Changing the password for admin user is done by entering the password and clicking save (leave blank to keep current password):


it is not possible to remove or change role of admin user

When Adding a new user it is possible to choose from three roles:


Administrator: same privileges as default “admin” user. Privileges are unrestricted.

Monitor: user is able to perform only actions related to monitoring (read-only), rest of the actions are unavailable. For example:


Some read-write actions (such as Start/Stop Database in this example screenshot) serve only for checking status or viewing current settings. Any change or modification is not possible.

Operator: same privileges as default “admin” user, except:

  • adding and modifying dbvcontrol users

  • modifying dbvcontrol settings

  • removing DDC configurations from dashboard

  • adding SQL Server instances

5. Tasks & Events

This section is an extension of the Tasks & event pane in the dashboard and here you can view complete list of tasks & event while also being able to filter according to entity/task type as well as configuration name:


6. Settings

Dbvcontrol settings will allow you to disable DR Readiness Score (1) (visible in the dashboard for each DDC), number of stored Events (2), number of stored Tasks (3) and language (4):


Available Laguages are:

  • Chinese (Simplified)

  • Chinese (Traditional)

  • French

  • English (default laguage)

  • Japanese

  • Spanish

If you change language, you will be logged out.

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