Using Dbvisit Standby
This section will be split into two sections:
Using Dbvisit Standby Command Line Interface (CLI)
Using Dbvisit Standby Web-Based interface (GUI)
In each of these sections the basic use of Dbvisit Standby will be illustrated. It is assumed that you have created a Dbvisit Standby Configuraiton (DDC) file as well as have a Standby Database created and ready for logs to be applied. Key areas that will be covered include:
Running Dbvisit (Sending and Applying Logs) – CLI and GUI
Resending (resynching) archive logs - CLI
Running a Log Gap Report – CLI and GUI
Using a Delay Lag on Standby Apply - CLI
Recover Standby Database until specific SCN or Timestamp – CLI
Performing a Graceful Switchover – CLI and GUI
Performing a Standby Activation – CLI and GUI
Scheduler (Dbvserver) - GUI
Resynchronize Standby Database (Dbvserver) - GUI