General Check

General Check

  1. Check that only one instance of each process is running for a given replication. Always kill all old processes.
  2. Pay attention to all errors reported during the run of the setup script.
  3. Check that the TNS configuration points to correct databases on all machines involved (mine, apply, console). Ensure there are valid TNS entries so that the apply database can connect to the mine database, and the mine database can connect to the apply database.
  4. Ensure firewall ports are open to the default replicate ports (7901, 7902)
  5. Ensure there is enough memory to start the mine and apply processes. The default memory allocation is 500MB. This is set by MEMORY_LIMIT_APPLY_MB and MEMORY_LIMIT_MINE_MB.
  6. If the dbvrep process suddenly dies, it may mean that there is not enough free memory on the server and the OS will terminate the dbvrep process without warning. This can be verified by running "top" in Linux/Unix while the dbvrep apply or mine process is started.

What are the important commands to run when diagnosing Dbvisit Replicate?

The following commands should be run from the Dbvisit Replicate console:


Check that the hostnames and database names resolve to correct targets on all machines involved.  You can run the following command to check:


From dbvrep:


or from the unix command line:


$ ./start-console.sh ENGINE TEST_CONNECTION_ORACLE SYSTEM/<password>@<OracleSid>