Uninstalling Dbvisit Replicate
Uninstalling Dbvisit Replicate
Depending on how Dbvisit Replicate was installed, follow one of the 2 options below to uninstall Dbvisit Replicate:
TAR file
- Remove the dbvrep executable
- Remove all Dbvisit Replicate folders
- Drop the dbvrep schema in the source and target databases. Note, the default schema is "dbvrep" but this can be a different name if a different name was chosen during the setup process
- Disabling supplemental logging if required
Dbvisit Replicate consists of one executable: dbvrep. There are no libraries or other system executables installed.
As root, remove the RPM package:
rpm -e `rpm -qa | grep dbvisit_replicate`
- Remove all Dbvisit Replicate folders
- Drop the dbvrep schema in the source and target databases. Note, the default schema is "dbvrep" but this can be a different name if a different name was chosen during the setup process
- Disabling supplemental logging if required
Dbvisit Replicate consists of one executable: dbvrep. There are no libraries or other system executables installed.
To uninstall Dbvisit Replicate from Windows:
- Choose the Uninstall option to uninstall Dbvisit Replicate
- Remove all Dbvisit Replicate folders
- Drop the dbvrep schema in the source and target databases. Note, the default schema is "dbvrep" but this can be a different name if a different name was chosen during the setup process
- Disabling supplemental logging if required
Dbvisit Replicate consists of one executable: dbvrep.exe. There are no DLLs or other system executables installed.
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