This page describes the APIs that can be used to retrieve Dashboard information together with log gap report
Dashboard full information with current states API Purpose:
Allows getting up-to-date information about Configuration(s), including the Configurations states (Busy, in Failover State, etc.) and Databases states (ONLINE, RECOVERING, etc), log gap, and others.
to get information about all Configurations
POST /api/dashboard/{configurationId}
to get information about the specific one
Request body:
Curl example:
curl -k -u admin:admin -d '{}' https://localhost:4433/api/dashboard
Successful response body:
"Status": 200,
"Result": [
"ConfigurationId": 1,
"ConfigurationType": "Oracle",
"ConfigurationName": "DEV",
"PrimaryHost": {
"HostAddress": "oracle1",
"OS": "linux",
"DefaultBackupDir": "/usr/local/dbvisit/multiplatform/backup",
"IPAddresses": [
"ServiceUser": "oracle",
"FileTransferListenAddress": "",
"FileTransferListenPort": 7890
"StandbyHost": {
"HostAddress": "oracle2",
"OS": "linux",
"DefaultBackupDir": "/usr/local/dbvisit/multiplatform/backup",
"IPAddresses": [
"ServiceUser": "oracle",
"FileTransferListenAddress": "",
"FileTransferListenPort": 7890
"Settings": {
"ApplicationDelayMinutes": 0,
"StandbyMode": {
"UndoFilePath": "",
"Enabled": false
"AutomatedStandbyUpdate": {
"Enabled": true,
"IntervalSeconds": 600,
"BackupType": "l"
"Notifications": {
"To": null
"Observer": {
"Enabled": true,
"NotificationOnly": true,
"CheckIntervalSeconds": 60,
"MaxFailCount": 3,
"SendEmail": false,
"SendSlack": false,
"HeartbeatEnabled": false,
"HeartbeatHour": 7,
"HeartbeatMinute": 0,
"Rule": ""
"HasFailedOver": false,
"LicenseInfo": {
"LicenseKey": "4jo6z-8aaai-u09b6-ijjwh-2a276-1phe9-k1quu",
"ExpiryDate": "2020-07-10"
"PrimaryDatabaseState": "ONLINE",
"StandbyDatabaseState": "RECOVERING",
"ConfigurationBusy": false,
"GapTimeSeconds": 17984,
"GapTime": "4 hours 59 minutes 44 seconds"
"ConfigurationId": 3,
"ConfigurationType": "SqlServer",
"ConfigurationName": "SQLTestBigDB",
"PrimaryHost": {
"HostAddress": "sql1",
"OS": "linux",
"DefaultBackupDir": "/usr/local/dbvisit/multiplatform/backup",
"IPAddresses": [
"ServiceUser": "sqlsrv",
"FileTransferListenAddress": "",
"FileTransferListenPort": 7890
"PrimaryInstanceName": "MSSQLSERVER",
"StandbyHost": {
"HostAddress": "sql2",
"OS": "linux",
"DefaultBackupDir": "/usr/local/dbvisit/multiplatform/backup",
"IPAddresses": [
"ServiceUser": "sqlsrv",
"FileTransferListenAddress": "",
"FileTransferListenPort": 7890
"StandbyInstanceName": "MSSQLSERVER",
"Settings": {
"ApplicationDelayMinutes": 0,
"StandbyMode": {
"UndoFilePath": "",
"Enabled": false
"AutomatedStandbyUpdate": {
"Enabled": true,
"IntervalSeconds": 300,
"BackupType": "l"
"Notifications": {
"To": null
"Observer": {
"Enabled": true,
"NotificationOnly": true,
"CheckIntervalSeconds": 60,
"MaxFailCount": 3,
"SendEmail": false,
"SendSlack": false,
"HeartbeatEnabled": false,
"HeartbeatHour": 7,
"HeartbeatMinute": 0,
"Rule": ""
"HasFailedOver": false,
"LicenseInfo": {
"LicenseKey": "4jo70-qwp4l-7gplh-g1ejv-z7t8p-20tah-iodzn",
"ExpiryDate": "2022-03-11"
"PrimaryDatabaseState": "ONLINE",
"StandbyDatabaseState": "RESTORING",
"ConfigurationBusy": false,
"GapTimeSeconds": 304,
"GapTime": "5 minutes 4 seconds"
"ConfigurationId": 2,
"ConfigurationType": "SqlServer",
"ConfigurationName": "SQLTestDB",
"PrimaryHost": {
"HostAddress": "sql1",
"OS": "linux",
"DefaultBackupDir": "/usr/local/dbvisit/multiplatform/backup",
"IPAddresses": [
"ServiceUser": "sqlsrv",
"FileTransferListenAddress": "",
"FileTransferListenPort": 7890
"PrimaryInstanceName": "MSSQLSERVER",
"StandbyHost": {
"HostAddress": "sql2",
"OS": "linux",
"DefaultBackupDir": "/usr/local/dbvisit/multiplatform/backup",
"IPAddresses": [
"ServiceUser": "sqlsrv",
"FileTransferListenAddress": "",
"FileTransferListenPort": 7890
"StandbyInstanceName": "MSSQLSERVER",
"Settings": {
"ApplicationDelayMinutes": 0,
"StandbyMode": {
"UndoFilePath": "",
"Enabled": false
"AutomatedStandbyUpdate": {
"Enabled": true,
"IntervalSeconds": 300,
"BackupType": "l"
"Notifications": {
"To": null
"Observer": {
"Enabled": true,
"NotificationOnly": true,
"CheckIntervalSeconds": 60,
"MaxFailCount": 3,
"SendEmail": false,
"SendSlack": false,
"HeartbeatEnabled": false,
"HeartbeatHour": 7,
"HeartbeatMinute": 0,
"Rule": ""
"HasFailedOver": false,
"LicenseInfo": {
"LicenseKey": "4jo70-qwp4l-7gplh-g1ejv-z7t8p-20tah-iodzn",
"ExpiryDate": "2022-03-11"
"PrimaryDatabaseState": "ONLINE",
"StandbyDatabaseState": "RESTORING",
"ConfigurationBusy": false,
"GapTimeSeconds": 304,
"GapTime": "5 minutes 4 seconds"
Log Gap Report Purpose:
Allows Running log gap report for specific configuration
POST /api/oracle/log-gap-report/{Primary_Agent_ID}
Request body:
Curl example:
curl -sku admin:admin -d '{"Params":{"ConfigurationName":"MEGA"}}' https://localhost:4433/api/oracle/log-gap-report/30rvnz6xb2i3j
Successful response body:
Click here to expand...
"Status": 200,
"Result": {
"log_gap_report": {
"cascade": "N",
"time_diff": {
"std": "+25:35:54",
"formatted": "+01 DAY 01:35:54"
"info": [
"source": {
"last_transferred_timestamp": "2022-04-12 12:46:33",
"last_transferred_seq": 549,
"current_seq": "555",
"archived_seq": "554"
"log_gap": {
"apply": 5,
"transfer": 5
"destination": {
"recovery_seq": 550
"thread": "1"
"source": {
"tz": "+02:00",
"timestamp": "2022-04-13:14:22:24",
"scn": "47102018"
"apply_delay_lag_min": "0",
"destination": {
"tz": "+02:00",
"timestamp": "2022-04-12:12:46:30",
"scn": "46986545"
"ready": 0,
"trace_file_basename": "214460_5_dbvctl_i_MEGA_202204131422.trc",
"trace_file": "/usr/dbvisit/standbymp/oracle/trace/214460_5_dbvctl_i_MEGA_202204131422.trc",
"pid": "214460_5",
"done": 1
Log Gap Report Example For getting comprehensive JSON output results, while using API, we parse all outputs with “jq” which can be easily installed by for example as root:
In all below examples we use authentication method via “-u” for authentication method via cookie, check the Authentication page
To find out transfer and archive log gap for given configuration:
curl -sku admin:admin -d '{"Params":{"ConfigurationName":"MEGA"}}' \
https://localhost:4433/api/oracle/log-gap-report/30rvnz6xb2i3j | jq \