Installation on Primary Server (Phase 3)

Installation on Primary Server (Phase 3)

Continued installation on the primary server

1. Once the installation on the standby server is complete, the installation on the primary server can be completed.

2. The System Readiness check will be performed which test the connection between the primary and the standby server.

3. Enter the details to connect to the standy server to complete the test.

4. Ensure the network connection is correct.

If the System Readiness check fails then please see below for a guide to troubleshooting these issues
Testing and Resolving Windows SSH configuration issues 

5.Dbvisit Standby is now installed and must be configured for a specific database.

6. Dbvisit Standby can be configured and run through a command line interface (CLI) or a web-based interface (GUI). Throughout this user manual the CLI commands will be indicated with a  and the web based or GUI commands will be indicated with a 

7. Click Yes to configure this now through a browser. Click No, to configure Dbvisit Standby through the command line interface (CLI).

8. Please see the Configure Dbvisit Standby (step 2) - Windows section on how to configure Dbvisit Standby for a specific database.

9. To setup Dbvisit Standby through the command line (CLI) interface click Yes

The Dbvisit Standby setup utility will be started. This is to configure Dbvisit Standby for a specific database. Choose option 1 (or 1a for RAC) from the main menu for a new Dbvisit Standby setup. Please see the Configure Dbvisit Standby (step 2) - Windows section on how to configure Dbvisit Standby for a specific database. 

10. Dbvisit Standby has been installed on the primary server. Please click OK to exit.

The Dbvisit Standby software and secure shell have been installed. The standby database can now be created and then Dbvisit Standby can be setup and  configured for the primary and standby database.

Windows Shortcuts for command line interface (CLI) 

Shortcuts will have been created for Dbvisit Standby under Programs > Dbvisit > Standby. 
The shortcuts are:

The Dbvisit Standby command console is the main utility to execute Dbvisit Standby commands for CLI. 
Shortcuts have also been created for Bitvise Tunnelier and Bitvise WinSSHD. For more information about Bitvise WinSSHD and Tunnelier please visit http://www.bitvise.com

Run as Administrator

In order to execute the dbvisit standby commands successfully it is required to run them as administrator. Following steps need to be performed to make sure it runs as administrator privilege to avoid any privilege related errors.

1.  Go to properties of 'Dbvisit Standby Setup' and select Compatibility tab.

2.  Click on 'Change settings for all users'.

3. In privilege section click on 'Run this program as an administrator' checkbox.

4. Click Apply.

5. Go to properties of 'Dbvisit Standby command console' and select Shortcut tab'.

6. Click on 'Advanced...'.

7. Click on 'Run as administrator' checkbox.

8.Click OK and Apply.