Installation Prerequisites

Installation Prerequisites

When installing Dbvisit Standby on an environment using ASM for database storage, Oracle Grid Infrastructure version 11.1 and higher is recommended.

Using version 10.2 for ASM storage is supported, but with one advanced functionality of Dbvisit Standby which is not supported - Graceful Switchover (GS).

All other functionality such as Activation and Synchronization of the standby database is still supported with 10.2 ASM, but it is recommended to run the latest patch set (


Before installing Dbvisit Standby please ensure that the following prerequisites are met:

1.  Oracle software is installed on primary server or for each node in Oracle RACThe location of the Oracle software is called the ORACLE_HOME. In Dbvisit Standby this variable is also called ORACLE_HOME.
2.  Oracle software is installed on standby server.

The location of the Oracle software is called the ORACLE_HOME. In Dbvisit Standby this variable is called ORACLE_HOME_DR.


NOTE (Linux Only): If you are planning on using ASM storage for the standby database and you are using role separation (meaning Oracle Database software is installed as the "oracle" Unix account and the Grid Infrastructure software is installed as the "grid" Unix account) you will need to make sure the oracle Unix account belong to the correct UNIX groups, as well as that the oracle executable in the Oracle Database software home has the correct permission. If you do not have the correct permission on the executable you will potentially get ORA-15025 errors, as you will not be able to see the ASM storage when creating a new database manually. For more details see this the Oracle Support note: 1084186.1.

The steps below can be followed to ensure the executable has the correct permission. These steps include running the setasmgidwrap command as the "grid" user.

Example below in environment with role seperation:

root@dbvlin101[/u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/bin]: ls -altr oracle
-rwsr-s--x 1 oracle oinstall 282183593 Jul 28 17:49 oracle
root@dbvlin101[/u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/bin]: cd
root@dbvlin101[/root]: su - grid
grid@dbvlin101[/home/grid]: . oraenv
ORACLE_SID = [grid] ? +ASM
The Oracle base remains unchanged with value /u01/app/grid
grid@dbvlin101[/home/grid]: setasmgidwrap o=/u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/bin/oracle
grid@dbvlin101[/home/grid]: ls -al /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/bin/oracle
-rwsr-s--x 1 oracle asmadmin 282183593 Jul 28 17:49 /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/bin/oracle


3.  Oracle Production database is up and running.Ensure database is in ARCHIVELOG mode. To determine if database is in archive log mode run SQL command:
For Oracle RAC, ensure instance is running.  SQL> archive log list
Example output:

Database log mode      Archive Mode

Automatic archival     Enabled

Archive destination            /oracle/oraarch/dbvisitp

Oldest online log sequence     3959


4.  The same user that installed Oracle software should be used to install Dbvisit Standby.This user must have permission to logon to the database as sysdba.
The user should be a member of the Oracle DBA group (usually dba or ora_dba).
Ensure that this user exists on the standby server as well.
5.  Dbvisit Standby uses email for alerting. Dbvisit Standby comes with its own mail client. The smtp server needs to be specified so that Dbvisit Standby knows where to send the emails to.smtp server is usually in the format:
Sendmail can also be used for email. In this case, the smtp server is not required.mail.<your companyname>.com
6.  Although not strictly necessary, ensure that ORACLE_BASE is known. Ensure that the admin directory of the database (usually under the ORACLE_BASE) is known.The ORACLE_BASE is only used by Dbvisit Standby during setup to determine the location of the admin directories of the database.
Example of ORACLE_BASE would be:A new directory called dbvisit will be created under the admin directory of the database. This will be where the log file of Dbvisit Standby is kept.
Example of admin directory for database dbvisitp would be: 
7.  Ensure that the standby server name is known on the primary server.Try pinging the standby server. The ping does not have to be successful, but the host name should be resolved to an IP address.
Ensure that the primary server name is known on the standby server.     On the primary server:
ping standby_server
PING standby_server ( 56(84) bytes of data
On the standby server:
ping primary_server
PING primary_server ( 56(84) bytes of data
8.  Ensure that the firewall port is opened between the primary and the standby servers.Default port will be with port 22 for ssh.
The default port can be changed by setting SSH_PORT.
9.  If Dbvserver is being used to provide the web based interface to Dbvisit, then the Dbvserver http port needs to be opened on the firewallDefault http port is 8081.
10In case either primary or standby databases use ASM storage, the user that installed Dbvisit Standby should be able to connect to the ASM instance as sysdbaThe user should either:

a) be a member of the Oracle DBA group (usually dba or ora_dba) in case operating system authentication is used to access the ASM instance


b) be able to access the ASM instance using credentials of a user with SYSDBA privilege set up in the dbvisit configuration file, in case password authentication is used to access the ASM instance

If Oracle Grid infractructure implemented when the Grid user is different from the Oracle database owner, the user that installed Dbvisit Standby should have execute permission on SQLPLUS under Grid Oracle Home. This can be achieved though group permissions on the SQLPLUS executable.








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