Start the replication

Start the replication

The replication has been configured and installed. The following steps need to be done to complete and start the replication:

1) Create the necessary directory(ies) on the servers:
dbvisit230: /home/oracle/orcl 
2) Copy the DDC files to the server(s) where the processes will run:
3) Review that path to dbvrep executable is correct in the run scripts:
4) Copy the run script to the server(s) where the processes will run:
5) Ensure firewall is open for listen interfaces dbvisit210:7901, dbvisit230:7902 used by the processes.
6) Make sure the data on apply are in sync as of time when setup was run.
Scripts for Data Pump/export/DDL were created as requested:
Create referenced database links (if any) before running the scripts.
7) Start the replication processes on all servers:
8) Start the console to monitor the progress:
/usr/bin/dbvrep --ddcfile /home/oracle/orcl/orcl-MINE.ddc


The thumb rule of replication is that the source and target data is identical before starting replication so no conflicts arise. Therefore, Execute APPLY.sh script on target machine to sync target data with source before starting replication.

Run APPLY.sh script on target machine to export data from source database and load into target database to create a starting point from where replication can be initiated. Click here for more information on creating starting point.

For one-way replication please ensure all triggers are disabled or dropped for the replicated tables/schemas on target else this could lead to data divergence. The trigger has already fired on the source & the resultant transactions will be replicated to the target so there is no need to have them fire again.

As indicated by the Nextsteps.txt , the replication can be started by following the steps that are listed above. 

Starting the replication does the following:

  • Starts the MINE and APPLY process in the background
  • Creates the necessary log and plog directories.
  • Once the APPLY and MINE process has been started, there is in INITIALIZATION process. This replicates the contents of the Dbvisit Replication repository from the source to the target database. The replication can not be started until this phase has been completed.


In Windows environment, If MINE/APPLY service crashes immediately after the start without showing any error either on screen or in Dbvisit Replicate log, then you have either of following two errors in Windows system log in Windows Event Viewer.

  1. ORA-12705: Cannot access NLS data files or invalid environment specified
  2. Faulting application name: dbvrep.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x4da1b651

Please click here to find troubleshooting information for this issue.

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