Dbvisit Replicate Profile Performance Statistics

Dbvisit Replicate Profile Performance Statistics

Dbvisit Replicate can collect profiling or performance statistics information which will assist Dbvisit support to diagnose performance issues.

Profiling can be turned on for either MINE, APPLY or both. 

There are 2 ways to turn in profiling:

  1. Turning on profiling without having to stop and start MINE or APPLY, OR
  2. Editing the DDC file and then stopping and starting the MINE/APPLY processes

MINE (without having to stop the MINE process)

  1. Start the command console and type

    engine mine send memory_set PROFILER /home/oracle/..../prof_%S.%E
  2. Wait for a few log switches.
  3. Zip and upload the resulting files to Dbvisit Support. The profiler files will be in the location specified by the full path given (/home/oracle/..../prof_%S.%E)
  4. Turn off the profiling:

    engine mine send memory_set PROFILER OFF

MINE (shutting down MINE)

  1. Shutdown the MINE process
  2. Edit the *-MINE.ddc DDC file.
  3. Add the following line to the DDC file (give full path name):  

    memory_set PROFILER /home/oracle/..../prof_%S.%E
  4. Restart the MINE process
  5. Wait for a few PLOG switches.
  6. Zip and upload the resulting files to Dbvisit Support. The profiler files will be in the location specified by the full path given (/home/oracle/..../prof_%S.%E)
  7. Turn off the profiling with by removing the profiler command OR adding a comment in front of the line in the DDC file:

    # memory_set PROFILER /home/oracle/..../prof_%S.%E
  8. Stop and restart the MINE process

APPLY (without having to stop the APPLY process)

Profiler can be enabled while APPLY is running but it will not collect all required performance statistics to diagnose the issue. Therefore it is not recommend to enable profiler on APPLY while it is running.

  1. Start the command console and type

    engine apply send memory_set PROFILER /home/oracle/..../prof_%S.%E
  2. Wait for a few log switches
  3. Zip and upload the resulting files to Dbvisit Support. The profiler files will be in the location specified by the full path given (/home/oracle/..../prof_%S.%E)
  4. Turn off the profiling:

    engine apply send memory_set PROFILER OFF

APPLY (shutting down APPLY)

  1. Shutdown the APPLY process
  2. Edit the *-APPLY.ddc DDC file.
  3. Add the following line to the DDC file (give full path name):  

    memory_set PROFILER /home/oracle/..../prof_%S.%E
  4. Restart the APPLY process
  5. Wait for a few PLOG switches.
  6. Zip and upload the resulting file to Dbvisit Support. The profiler files will be in the location specified by the full path given (/home/oracle/..../prof_%S.%E)
  7. Turn off the profiling with by removing the profiler command OR adding a comment in front of the line in the DDC file:

    # memory_set PROFILER /home/oracle/..../prof_%S.%E
  8. Stop and restart the APPLY process


In some cases, sub profiling can also be enabled to obtain finer grained profiling information. Please check with Dbvisit support before enabling this.



Please see Configuration Variable Reference for more information on setting PROFILER.


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