Step 2:  Download Latest Software

Step 2:  Download Latest Software

Next you need to download the latest available version from the Dbvisit web site http://www.dbvisit.com. Once the software is downloaded, you can copy it to a temporary location on your server from where the installation will be started. In this example, we create a temporary directory called “7.0” in /home/oracle and copy the software download into this directory. We now have the following structure:

oracle@dbvlin101[/home/oracle/7.0]: ls -l
total 44084
-rw-r--r-- 1 oracle oinstall 45089534 Aug 21 10:40 dbvisit-standby7.0.01_linux.zip



The Dbvisit Standby software is available for different Operating Systems and versions as noted on the download web page.

In summary:

  • Files with -el4- in the name can be used for Oracle Linux and Red Had Enterprise Linux 4 (example - dbvisit-standby7.0.04-el4.zip)
  • Files with -el5- in the name can be used for Oracle Linux and Red Had Enterprise Linux 5 (example - dbvisit-standby7.0.04-el5.zip)
  • Files with -el6- in the name can be used for Oracle Linux and Red Had Enterprise Linux 6 (example - dbvisit-standby7.0.04-el6.zip)
  • IF the name also include -x86_64 then it indicates it is for 64bit installations, and if -i686 is part of the name, then it is for 32bit installations (example dbvisit-standby7.0.04-el6-x86_64.zip indicates a download file for Oracle Linux 6 (as well as RHEL6) 64bit installation). If there is no -i686 or -x86_64- then the installation is for both 32bit and 64bit environments.