Restarting Standby Database creation

Restarting Standby Database creation

There are three possible scenarios when you may wish to restart creation of the standby database:

  1. Previous run of the setup utility terminated with an error while creating a standby database. The error can be caused by various reasons, for example network connection failure. The restart will start from the last operation.
  2. You have chosen to stop after backing database to a temporary location on a primary server while creating a standby database using a temporary location or creating a standby database from ASM primary database.
  3. You have chosen to use Transportable Media and Dbvisit Standby has completed the first step and the media device has now been plugged into the standby server.

To restart uncompleted creation of a standby database:

1. Start the Dbvisit Standby setup utility.



2. To create a standby database, choose option 7.


Dbvisit Standby Database Technology

Dbvisit Database setup
Default values will be shown in []

1) New Dbvisit Database setup (combines options 2,3,4)
1a) New Dbvisit RAC Instance setup (combines options 2,3,4)

2) New Dbvisit Database configuration (DDC) file setup
3) New Dbvisit Archive Management Module (AMM) setup
4) New Dbvisit Database repository (DDR) setup

5) Manage Dbvisit Database repository (DDR)
6) Update Dbvisit Database configuration (DDC) file

7) Create Standby Database (and template)

9) Uninstall Dbvisit Database repository (DDR)
E) Exit

3. Choose the primary database to create a standby for. Only Dbvisit Standby configured databases will be shown :


=>Creating Standby Database. 
For which primary database do you want to create a standby database?

The following Oracle database(s) have a Dbvisit Database configuration (DDC) file on this server:

1) dbvisitp
2) dbvlx102
3) Return to menu

Please enter choice : 2
Is this correct? <Yes/No> [Yes]:

4. The primary database must be up and running for the setup to proceed. Total size of the primary database is calculated and displayed. If uncompleted creation of the standby database is detected, a restart option will be available:


Database dbvlx102 is up. 
Total database size for dbvlx102 is 30GB

=>Please ensure directory /usr/local/dbvisit exists on dbvisit32 and
has the correct privileges, otherwise the next transfer step may fail. 

Checking Oracle installation on dbvisit32 in
Total database size for dbvlx102 is 30GB
What would you like to do:
1 - Create standby database (and optionally save settings in template)
2 - Restart the uncompleted creation of standby database
3 - Create standby database using existing template (previously saved)
4 - Help
5 - Terminate processing
Please enter your choice [2]: 2
Starting creation of standby database.

5. Choose option 2 to display the summary of uncompleted backup or option 1 to continue with creating the standby database:


What would you like to do:
   1 - Restart the uncompleted creation of standby database
   2 - View status of the uncompleted creation of standby database
   3 - Return to the previous menu
   Please enter your choice [1]: 2
DDC FILE                      dbvlx102
SOURCE HOST                   dbvisit31
DESTINATION HOST              dbvisit32
STARTED AT                    28-11-2011 16-38-02
ENDED AT                      
STANDBY ASM                   Y
PRIMARY TEMP LOCATION         /usr/tmp/tmp1
STANDBY TEMP LOCATION         /usr/tmp/tmp2
STOP POINT SET                N
DATABASE SIZE IN MB           1075
DATA               1   +DATA
DATA               2   +DATA
DATA               3   +DATA
DATA               4   +DATA
DATA               5   +DATA
TEMP               1   +DATA
TEMP               2   +DATA
TEMP               3   +DATA
COMPLETED      BACKUP                1  
COMPLETED      BACKUP                2  
COMPLETED      BACKUP                3  
COMPLETED      BACKUP                4  
COMPLETED      BACKUP                5  
COMPLETED      COMPRESS                  /usr/tmp/tmp1/dbv_dbvlx102_dbf_1_77_1.piece
COMPLETED      COMPRESS                  /usr/tmp/tmp1/dbv_dbvlx102_dbf_1_78_1.piece
NOT COMPLETED  COMPRESS                  /usr/tmp/tmp1/dbv_dbvlx102_dbf_2_79_1.piece
NOT COMPLETED  COMPRESS                  /usr/tmp/tmp1/dbv_dbvlx102_dbf_3_80_1.piece
NOT COMPLETED  COMPRESS                  /usr/tmp/tmp1/dbv_dbvlx102_dbf_4_81_1.piece
NOT COMPLETED  COMPRESS                  /usr/tmp/tmp1/dbv_dbvlx102_dbf_5_82_1.piece
NOT COMPLETED  TRANSFER                  /usr/tmp/tmp1/dbv_dbvlx102_dbf_1_77_1.piece.gz
NOT COMPLETED  TRANSFER                  /usr/tmp/tmp1/dbv_dbvlx102_dbf_1_78_1.piece.gz
NOT COMPLETED  TRANSFER                  /usr/tmp/tmp1/dbv_dbvlx102_dbf_2_79_1.piece.gz
NOT COMPLETED  TRANSFER                  /usr/tmp/tmp1/dbv_dbvlx102_dbf_3_80_1.piece.gz
NOT COMPLETED  TRANSFER                  /usr/tmp/tmp1/dbv_dbvlx102_dbf_4_81_1.piece.gz
NOT COMPLETED  TRANSFER                  /usr/tmp/tmp1/dbv_dbvlx102_dbf_5_82_1.piece.gz
NOT COMPLETED  UNCOMPRESS                /usr/tmp/tmp2/dbv_dbvlx102_dbf_1_77_1.piece.gz
NOT COMPLETED  UNCOMPRESS                /usr/tmp/tmp2/dbv_dbvlx102_dbf_1_78_1.piece.gz
NOT COMPLETED  UNCOMPRESS                /usr/tmp/tmp2/dbv_dbvlx102_dbf_2_79_1.piece.gz
NOT COMPLETED  UNCOMPRESS                /usr/tmp/tmp2/dbv_dbvlx102_dbf_3_80_1.piece.gz
NOT COMPLETED  UNCOMPRESS                /usr/tmp/tmp2/dbv_dbvlx102_dbf_4_81_1.piece.gz
NOT COMPLETED  UNCOMPRESS                /usr/tmp/tmp2/dbv_dbvlx102_dbf_5_82_1.piece.gz
NOT COMPLETED  RESTORE               1  
NOT COMPLETED  RESTORE               2  
NOT COMPLETED  RESTORE               3  
NOT COMPLETED  RESTORE               4  
NOT COMPLETED  RESTORE               5  
What would you like to do:
   1 - Restart the uncompleted creation of standby database
   2 - View status of the uncompleted creation of standby database
   3 - Return to the previous menu
   Please enter your choice [1]:1

6. The setup will restart the standby database creation process where it has been left by the previous uncompleted setup and continue till completion:


Creating standby database... 
Compressing /usr/tmp/tmp1/dbv_dbvlx102_dbf_2_79_1.piece...
Compressing /usr/tmp/tmp1/dbv_dbvlx102_dbf_3_80_1.piece...
Compressing /usr/tmp/tmp1/dbv_dbvlx102_dbf_4_81_1.piece...
Compressing /usr/tmp/tmp1/dbv_dbvlx102_dbf_5_82_1.piece...
Transferring /usr/tmp/tmp1/dbv_dbvlx102_dbf_1_77_1.piece.gz to host
dbvisit32:/usr/tmp/tmp2/dbv_dbvlx102_dbf_1_77_1.piece.gz ... 
Transferring /usr/tmp/tmp1/dbv_dbvlx102_dbf_1_78_1.piece.gz to host
dbvisit32:/usr/tmp/tmp2/dbv_dbvlx102_dbf_1_78_1.piece.gz ... 
Transferring /usr/tmp/tmp1/dbv_dbvlx102_dbf_2_79_1.piece.gz to host
dbvisit32:/usr/tmp/tmp2/dbv_dbvlx102_dbf_2_79_1.piece.gz ... 
Transferring /usr/tmp/tmp1/dbv_dbvlx102_dbf_3_80_1.piece.gz to host
dbvisit32:/usr/tmp/tmp2/dbv_dbvlx102_dbf_3_80_1.piece.gz ... 
Transferring /usr/tmp/tmp1/dbv_dbvlx102_dbf_4_81_1.piece.gz to host
dbvisit32:/usr/tmp/tmp2/dbv_dbvlx102_dbf_4_81_1.piece.gz ... 
Transferring /usr/tmp/tmp1/dbv_dbvlx102_dbf_5_82_1.piece.gz to host
dbvisit32:/usr/tmp/tmp2/dbv_dbvlx102_dbf_5_82_1.piece.gz ... 
Uncompressing /usr/tmp/tmp2/dbv_dbvlx102_dbf_1_77_1.piece.gz...
Uncompressing /usr/tmp/tmp2/dbv_dbvlx102_dbf_1_78_1.piece.gz...
Uncompressing /usr/tmp/tmp2/dbv_dbvlx102_dbf_2_79_1.piece.gz...
Uncompressing /usr/tmp/tmp2/dbv_dbvlx102_dbf_3_80_1.piece.gz...
Uncompressing /usr/tmp/tmp2/dbv_dbvlx102_dbf_4_81_1.piece.gz...
Uncompressing /usr/tmp/tmp2/dbv_dbvlx102_dbf_5_82_1.piece.gz...
Shutting down standby database on dbvisit32...
Standby database dbvlx102 on dbvisit32 shutdown.

Remote spfile /oracle/orabase/product/10.2.0/db_1/dbs/spfiledbvlx102.ora backed
as /oracle/orabase/product/10.2.0/db_1/dbs/spfiledbvlx102.ora.201111281649.
Remote spfile /oracle/orabase/product/10.2.0/db_1/dbs/spfiledbvlx102.ora
Spfile created on the remote server.

Restoring standby control files...
Starting Standby Database dbvlx102...
Standby Database dbvlx102 started nomount.
Standby database dbvlx102 on dbvisit32 startup nomount.

Shutting down standby database on dbvisit32...
Standby database dbvlx102 on dbvisit32 shutdown.

Standby control files restored.
Starting Standby Database dbvlx102...
Standby Database dbvlx102 started .
Standby database dbvlx102 on dbvisit32 mounted.

Catalog backup piece /usr/tmp/tmp2/dbv_dbvlx102_dbf_1_77_1.piece...
Catalog backup piece /usr/tmp/tmp2/dbv_dbvlx102_dbf_1_78_1.piece...
Catalog backup piece /usr/tmp/tmp2/dbv_dbvlx102_dbf_2_79_1.piece...
Catalog backup piece /usr/tmp/tmp2/dbv_dbvlx102_dbf_3_80_1.piece...
Catalog backup piece /usr/tmp/tmp2/dbv_dbvlx102_dbf_4_81_1.piece...
Catalog backup piece /usr/tmp/tmp2/dbv_dbvlx102_dbf_5_82_1.piece...
Restoring datafile 1...
Restoring datafile 2...
Restoring datafile 3...
Restoring datafile 4...
Restoring datafile 5...
Tempfiles renamed.
Performing Oracle Checkpoint.
Waiting 3 seconds for log switch completion...

Standby database created.
To complete creating standby database, run dbvisit on the primary and standby
databases to ensure standby database is in synch with primary.
Please press <Enter> to continue...
Standby Database creation on dbvisit32 completed.
Next steps:
1) Exit out of dbvisit_setup.
2) Run Dbvisit on this server with command:
dbvisit dbvlx102
3) Run Dbvisit on standby server with command:
(cd /usr/local/dbvisit)
dbvisit dbvlx102
Once Dbvisit has been tested, schedule Dbvisit on primary and standby servers
using cron or other scheduling tool.
Please press <Enter> to continue...