Create Standby Database using web-based GUI

Create Standby Database using web-based GUI

The web-based version of Dbvisit Standby to create the standby database has 3 options:

  1. Create a new standby database. This is used to create a new standby database from scratch.
  2. Restart the creation of a standby database if for any reason the process has failed. This will restart from the last successful point.
  3. Create a standby database from an existing template. If a template was saved, this option can be used to create a standby database from a template.

The web-based creation of the standby database is a wizard driven process. The same concepts apply for both the CLI and GUI version.
Please note:

1. When creating a new standby database, the settings can be saved for future use. Click on Create Standby Database.

2. Once the standby database creation process starts, the output of the different steps will be shown in the browser window. This process can take a very long time depending on the size of the database and the network.

3. Once the process is complete, a green light is shown.