Conflict Resolution
Conflict Resolution
Dbvisit Replicate has powerful conflict resolution built-in that allows for different resolutions depending on the requirements of the business.
When a conflict occurs the whole replication is suspended until the conflict is resolved. This is to ensure transactional integrity.
Dbvisit Replicate offers:
Conflict detection - when there is a possibility of data divergence, a notification or alert is triggered. DBAs can be notifiied of the conflicting SQL
- Conflict resolution - when a conflict occurs, enough information about the conflict is shown so that the conflict can be resolved
- Conflict handling - set predefined rules to say what to do when a conflict occurs (includes setting PL/SQL business rules)
Example of conflict resolution types are:
- RETRY the change (default)
- PAUSE the whole replication
- ABORT the whole replication
- DISCARD the change
- OVERWRITE the change with the new change
- PLSQL – Call a user defined PL/SQL routine that determines how to handle the conflict through programmed business rules
- NEWER change gets precedence
- OLDER change gets precedence
- ERROR, rollback the transaction
Check the page on NLS Considerations to see if the conflicts have occurred due to character set differences between source and target.
See the section Conflicts and Conflict Resolution for more information.
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