Response file

Response file

There are times when you may want to set up replication without going through the Setup Wizard.  To that end, Dbvisit Replicate has the response file.  A sample response file is created after you run the Setup Wizard one time.  The file is called, name_of_your_replication-sample_response_file.txt.  For example, 

repfileexample-sample_response_file.txt  or  


The file is created in the directory specified in the Setup Wizard along with all of the other files.  The contents of the response file are all of the answers that you supplied to the Setup Wizard.


Contents of Response file:

###Version of response file: 2.8.00
accept_license: yes
DDC_NAME: repfileexample
LICENSE_KEY: (trial)
Replicate_edition: MAX
SETUP_SCRIPT_PATH: /home/oracle/repfileexample
TNS_ADMIN: /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/network/admin
###Step 1
store_passwords: Yes
rdbms: Oracle
TNS_alias: SDB11
sysuser: SYS
syspassword: pwd
systemuser: SYSTEM
systempassword: pwd
dbvuser: dbvrep
dvbpassword: dbvpasswd
tablespace: DATA
temp_tablespace: TEMP
database#: add
rdbms: Oracle
TNS_alias: TDB11
sysuser: SYS
syspassword: pwd
systemuser: SYSTEM
systempassword: pwd
dbvuser: dbvrep
dvbpassword: dbvpasswd
tablespace: DATA
temp_tablespace: TEMP
database#: done

###Step 2

source db: 1
target db: 2
enable_ddl: Yes
use_fetcher: No
suplog_all: YES
encrypt_network: No
compress_network: No
network_timeout: 60
prepare_type: single-scn
instantiate_type: load
load_create_or_keep: keep
pair#: done

###Step 3
pair#: 1
tables_and_schemas: SCOTT
add_more: No
rename_or_filter: No
pair#: done

###Step 4

process#: 1
hostname: source_machine.dbvisit
OS: Linux
email_notify: No
snmp_notify: No
SETUP_SCRIPT_PATH: /home/oracle/repfileexample
change: No
process#: 2
hostname: target_machine.dbvisit
OS: Linux
email_notify: No
snmp_notify: No
SETUP_SCRIPT_PATH: /home/oracle/repfileexample
change: No
process#: done


You now have a template file. If are going to run the Setup Wizard again for different machines you can edit the response file, put in the appropriate server names, users, pwds, etc and then run the Setup Wizard again with the response file.  This will then create all of the appropriate files that you need.  In the example we rename the file to rtest-sample_response_file.txt and then edit the fields.  

Run the Setup Wizard with the new response file:

oracle@source_machine[/home/oracle/v28/replicate]: ./dbvrep setup wizard respfile /home/oracle/rtest/rtest-sample_response_file.txt


The Setup Wizard will now run without prompting or waiting for answers. It will populate all of the answers from the response file.  The end result will be as if you went through the Setup Wizard.  Files and scripts will be waiting in the new location specified.


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