Contacting Support

Contacting Support

The proper way to contacting Dbvisit Support is via the servicedesk: http://support.dbvisit.com

We request that you only log one ticket per issue.
You may also want to check  the  Dbvisit Replicate knowledge base first if it is a question and not an error.

Dbvisit Support is the single point of contact for all Dbvisit products. To help collect all the information needed by the support team, Dbvisit Replicate contains a built-in trace file packaging facility. This will typically be the first item that a Dbvisit support technician will ask for. Use the command SUPPORT PACKAGE process_type to create a zip file containing the files for the specified process, running this command in turn on FETCHER, MINE and APPLY servers.  More details on support packages can be found here:  Creating Support packages


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