PreQualification for Replicate POCs

PreQualification for Replicate POCs

Sales to complete the below form & submit to POC coordinator. With this information the POC coordinator will be able to provide scripts/links to scripts for Data Discovery for any of the POCs where Dbvisit Technical resources are requested to engage. 

Discovery scripts can be found @ http://support.dbvisit.com/hc/en-us/articles/220551807

POC Request Form to be completed by Salesperson @ https://docs.google.com/a/dbvisit.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfgPXlk-mS15rd5JVXBEf_8BV2wO7tO3LFcCFEZ72sKViyYrg/viewform?c=0&w=1

The below are required to be completed by prospect in advance of POC 

1.   Run Test Drive on AWS@  http://www.dbvisit.com/products/dbvisit_replicate_on_aws

2.   Review of Basics of Replicate 3-part series & Replicate Users’ Guide

      Series : http://blog.dbvisit.com/back-to-basics-with-dbvisit-replicate-part-i/

      Users Guide : UserGuide Dbvisit Replicate 2.9

3.   Submit Discovery script output for technical review and description of use case to test for fit. Scripts include

        a) unsupported data type check,

        b) redo volume check

        c) CLOB/BLOB/LOB/NCLOB if target is going to be NON-Oracle

        d) Trigger list

        e) Tables with no primary or unique key on source.

        f) Tables with Unsupported DELETE CASCADE constraints

        Scripts can be accessed internally on Google Drive @ 


 After are actions that partner or salesperson is to coordinate with POC Coordinator/Technical Staff for

  1. Review of use case & Discovery Data submissions
  2. Scheduling POC of technician in the prospects time zone. If Dbvisit resource assisting with task,  a Zendesk will be opened and assigned to technical staff & sales cc by POC Coordinator so support is in loop.