Target Database: PostgreSQL
- In all replications, the source must be an Oracle database. Thus, two-way replication with PostgreSQL is not supported.
- We support PostgreSQL 9.3.17 and above.
- PostgreSQL database is supported by Dbvisit Replicate version 2.9.00 and later.
Sample set up
In the Examples provided by this document, we shall be using the set up described below.
The following set up is used in the examples provided by this document:
Source (MINE)
- Hostname: oel712csrc
- OS: Oracle Linux Server release 7.1
- Database: Oracle 12.1 (TNS: UNITSRC)
Target (APPLY)
- Hostname: oel712ctrg
- OS: Oracle Linux Server release 7.1
- Database: PostgreSQL 9.2
Steps provided below are for reference only, by no means they should be considered as recommendations for setting up a Production database. For full information on PostgreSQL installation and configuration, refer to the PostgreSQL documentation
Installation and config
Installing PostgreSQL server.
yum install postgresql-server
Then depending on kernel version either:
postgresql-setup initdb or service postgresql initdb
To initialise and then to start
chkconfig postgresql on service postgresql start
If startup fails, the following command shows the startup failure details:
To connect to database for verification:
# su - postgres $ psql
Edit the configuration file /var/lib/pgsql/data/postgresql.conf
to allow non-localhost connections:
sudo su - -s /bin/sh postgres cd /var/lib/pgsql/data cp postgresql.conf postgresql.conf.orig chmod 400 postgresql.conf.orig sed -i "s/^#\(listen_addresses = '\)localhost'/\1*'\t/" postgresql.conf
Enable connections on non-localhost address:
cp pg_hba.conf pg_hba.conf.orig chmod 400 pg_hba.conf.orig echo -e "host\tall\t\tall\t\t0.0.0.0/0\t\tmd5" >> pg_hba.conf
service postgresql restart
Setting up for Replicate
The following is assumed:
- It is not allowed to create OS user(s) only for the sake of replication (i.e. OS
Create an admin user for replication
Dbvisit Replicate will use this user during creation phase only. We recommend you to change privileges or limit connect settings after you'll be done.
Main purpose of this action:
- Having the user as powerful as
; and - Not touching any settings for
user (as modifying authorization method to allow it to connect externally)
Creating another superuser:
$ sudo su - -s /bin/sh postgres $ createuser -d -e -E -l -P -r -s dbvrep_admin
When asked, define a secure password.
Output will be something similar to:
$ createuser -d -e -E -l -P -r -s dbvrep_admin Enter password for new role: Enter it again: CREATE ROLE dbvrep_admin ENCRYPTED PASSWORD 'md52043f6bd01b7e83506e09082ec8161b2' SUPERUSER CREATEDB CREATEROLE INHERIT LOGIN;
Set up is now complete.
Next steps
After this, it is possible to execute setup wizard, which is described in the following sections. Click links below to proceed