Primary server / Primary RAC node setup for CLI

Primary server / Primary RAC node setup for CLI

1. Go to the Dbvisit Standby install directory and start the Dbvisit Standby setup utility.


2. Confirm that this is the primary server.

=>dbvisit_setup only needs to be run on the primary server. 
Is this the primary server? <Yes/No> [Yes]:

3. For a new database setup choose option 1: (for RAC choose option 1a)

Dbvisit Standby Database technology
Dbvisit Database setup 
Default values will be shown in []
1) New Database setup (combines options 2,3,4)
1a) New RAC Instance setup (combines options 2,3,4)
2) New Dbvisit Database configuration (DDC) file setup
3) New Dbvisit Archive Management Module (AMM) setup
4) New Dbvisit Database repository (DDR) setup
5) Manage Dbvisit Database repository (DDR)
6) Update Dbvisit Database configuration (DDC) file
7) Create Standby Database
9) Uninstall Dbvisit Database repository (DDR)
E) Exit
Please enter choice :

4. The Dbvisit Standby setup will begin. It is recommended to do a quick setup. Only the settings for the quick setup will be shown here. Dbvisit Standby will choose defaults for the settings that are not displayed. At the end of the setup all settings will be displayed for review.

=>Accept Defaults 
Would you like to do a quick setup?
Or would you like Dbvisit to prompt you for all settings and suggest defaults?
Values are Yes or No
Yes = Quick setup (let Dbvisit choose defaults for settings that are not displayed). 
No = Dbvisit will prompt for all settings and suggest defaults.
All settings will be displayed at the end of the configuration for review. Quick setup? [Yes]:
=>Dbvisit will do a quick setup: Yes
Is this correct? <Yes/No> [Yes]:

RAC configuration only

The following will be displayed only if a RAC setup is chosen.

5. Specify if this is the first node that Dbvisit Standby is configured for. Only on the first node will the Dbvisit Standby Database Repository (DDR) be created as this repository is shared by all instances.

Please specify if this is the first RAC node in the Dbvisit configuration or not. 
Values are Yes or No
Yes = First RAC node that Dbvisit is configured for.
No = Dbvisit has been already configured on another node in this RAC configuration.
First Dbvisit RAC node?
Is this correct? <Yes/No> [Yes]:

End RAC configuration only

6. Temporary directory. Dbvisit Standby needs to know the temporary directory that it can use for temporary and trace files.

Dbvisit setup begins.
Please enter temporary directory for Dbvisit to use.
This directory is used to hold the Dbvisit temporary and trace files.
This directory must exist on the primary and standby servers.
Dbvisit Temporary directory is [C:\windows\temp]:
=>Dbvisit Temporary directory will be: C:\windows\temp
Is this correct? <Yes/No> [Yes]:



7. Path. Dbvisit Standby will suggest the default environment path. 

Please set the environment PATH for Dbvisit to use.
Do not include the ORACLE_HOME in the path.
Dbvisit PATH is [/usr/local/bin:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/X11R6/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin]:
=>PATH will be: /usr/local/bin:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/X11R6/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin
Is this correct? <Yes/No> [Yes]:

8. Oratab file (optional). This file lists all the databases available on the primary server. This file is part of the Oracle software installation and is usually /etc/oratab or /var/opt/oracle/oratab.

Dbvisit can use the oratab file to find all the databases on this server.
If you would like Dbvisit to do this, please enter the location of the oratab file.
Specifying the oratab file is not mandatory.
Oratab file is [/etc/oratab]:
=>Oratab will be: /etc/oratab
Is this correct? <Yes/No> [Yes]:

9. Database or instance. Please choose the database (or instance for RAC) for which you want to configure Dbvisit Standby. If the database or instance that you want to configure Dbvisit Standby for is not displayed, please enter your own ORACLE_SID and ORACLE_HOME. 

The following Oracle database(s) have been found on this server:
    ===      ===========
1)  Dbvisit /oracle/orabase/product/10.1.0/Db_1
2)  +ASM     /oracle/orabase/product/10.2.0/db_1
3)  dbvlx102 /oracle/orabase/product/10.2.0/db_1
4)  dbvlx2102 /oracle/orabase/product/10.2.0/db_1
5)  dbvomf10 /oracle/orabase/product/10.2.0/db_1
6)  w111g    /oracle/orabase/product/11.0/Db_1
7)  Enter own ORACLE_SID and ORACLE_HOME
Please enter choice : 1
Is this correct? <Yes/No> [Yes]: 

10. Owner. Enter the account with which Dbvisit Standby will be run. This is the Linux/Unix account name. This account must be part of the Oracle DBA group and have sufficient privileges to log onto the database as sysdba. We suggest that this user is the same user that installed the Oracle software and owns the database(s). 

Please enter the account owner that will be used to run Dbvisit.
It is recommended that this be the same user as the Oracle Database owner.
This user should belong to a DBA group.
This user must also exist on the standby database server.
Account that will run Dbvisit is [oracle]:
=>Account owner will be: oracle
Is this correct? <Yes/No> [Yes]:

11. Transfer method. This is used to securely transfer the logs from the primary server to the standby server. The preferred method is scp (secure copy).

=>CP (copy or transfer method) 
Please choose copy method, to transfer the (archive) log files from the source server to the standby server.
Secure copy is scp.
Non-secure copy is rcp.
For the copy method, please ensure that it is configured so that no password or
 passphrase is required and that it is also installed on the standby server. 

See the Dbvisit user guide for more information on how to configure either of
these methods.

The following methods have been found on this server:
1) /usr/bin/scp
2) /usr/bin/rcp
3) Enter own method

Please enter choice [1] : 1

Is this correct? <Yes/No> [Yes]:

12. Secure remote shell method. This is used to manage the transfer from the primary server to the standby server. The preferred method is SSH (secure shell).

=>RSH (remote shell method) 
Please enter remote shell method.
Secure remote shell is ssh.
Non-secure shell is rsh.
For both methods, please ensure that it is configured so that no password or
passphrase is required and that it is also installed on the standby server.

See the Dbvisit user guide for more information on how to configure either of
these methods.

The following methods have been found on this server:
1) /usr/bin/ssh
2) /usr/bin/rsh
3) /usr/bin/rsync
4) Enter own method

Please enter choice [1] : 1

Is this correct? <Yes/No> [Yes]:

13. Compress method. This determines if the (archive) log files will be compressed before transferring to the standby server and how they are compressed.

The following options are available:

  1. Dbvisit Standby internal compression. This uses the zlib compression library. Dbvisit Standby will compress the archives on disk first before transferring to the standby server. This will leave the files on the server in a compressed state.
  2. SSH compression. This uses the zlib compression library to compress the files as they are being transferred to the standby server. This option is only available if SSH (secure shell) is being used for the transfer method. This will leave the files uncompressed on the server.
  3. No compression. This turns compression off. Use this option if the network speed is sufficiently fast to transfer uncompressed (archive) log files and disk space is sufficient to hold uncompressed files.
  4. External compression. This can be gzip or compress.

If you are unsure, choose Dbvisit Standby internal compression or external compression.

Please enter compression method.
if an external compression is used, then this must also exist on the standby server.
It is recommended to disable any other compression routines used to compress the Oracle (archive) log files for this database.
If you are unsure, choose option 1.
The following compression methods are available:
1) Dbvisit internal compression (files will be left compressed on server)
2) SSH compression (files will not be left compressed on server)
3) No compression
4) /usr/bin/gzip
5) Enter own method
Please enter choice [1] : 4
Is this correct? <Yes/No> [Yes]:

14. Source. This is the name of the current primary server.

Please enter primary server [dbvisit11]
Primary server is [dbvisit11]:
=>Primary server will be: dbvisit11
Is this correct? <Yes/No> [Yes]:

15. Enter the Oracle Base location (optional). The ORACLE_BASE is only used by Dbvisit Standby during setup to determine the location of the admin directories of the database.

Please enter ORACLE_BASE directory.
ORACLE_BASE is the admin directory for the Databases.
Dbvisit does not use the ORACLE_BASE directly, but it is useful for determining
where the log directory of Dbvisit should be.

Entering an ORACLE_BASE is optional.

ORACLE_BASE is [/oracle/orabase]:

=>ORACLE_BASE will be: /oracle/orabase

Is this correct? <Yes/No> [Yes]:

16. Enter the log directory for Dbvisit Standby. The default will be under the ORACLE_BASE/admin/ORACLE_SID structure. The default log directory under this structure will be called dbvisit. If this directory does not exist then it will be created.

Please enter log directory for dbvisit.
This is the directory where the log file for dbvisit will be kept.
Dbvisit will attempt to create this directory first time it executes if it does
not exist.

Dbvisit log dir is [/oracle/orabase/admin/dbvisitp/dbvisit]:

=>Dbvisit log dir will be: /oracle/orabase/admin/dbvisitp/dbvisit

Is this correct? <Yes/No> [Yes]:

17. Enter the Oracle database user (or schema) that will own the Dbvisit Standby Database Repository (DDR) in the database. This Oracle user will be created in the database. Also enter the password for this user. This Oracle user will be given specific privileges it requires to perform the Dbvisit Standby tasks.

Please enter the Oracle database user that will be used to log onto the database
This user will also own the Dbvisit Database repository (DDR) [dbvisit].
(This user will be created as part of this setup/configuration).

Dbvisit Oracle user is [dbvisit]:

=>Dbvisit Oracle user will be: dbvisit

Is this correct? <Yes/No> [Yes]:

RAC configuration only

The following will be displayed only if a RAC configuration is chosen.

18. Specify the instance name that Dbvisit Standby processing should take over if that instance is unavailable. The instance name must be different to the current instance name.

Specify the instance name that Dbvisit processing should take over if that instance is unavailable.
The instance name must be different to the current instance name (RACDB1).
The standby database may not be kept up to date if an instance is not available
and Dbvisit processing is not taken over by another instance.
RAC Takeover SID is []: RACDB2
=>RAC Takeover SID will be: RACDB2
Is this correct? <Yes/No> [Yes]:

End RAC configuration only

 Standby Server setup

All information for the primary server has now been collected. Please enter setup information for the standby server. Note values entered during setup cannot be verified on the standby server. Please ensure they are correct.

19. Enter the name of the standby server.

Please enter the name of the standby server (or standby database server).
(Primary server is dbvisit11)
Standby server is []: dbvisit12
=>Standby server will be: dbvisit12
Is this correct? <Yes/No> [Yes]:

20. Enter the ORACLE_SID on the standby server. This can be different to the ORACLE_SID on the primary server. The default is the same as the ORACLE_SID on the primary server. The ORACLE_SID must exist on the standby server.

If the ORACLE_SID on the standby server dbvisit12 is different than the ORACLE_SID
on the primary server, then it can be specified here.
Default is the same as ORACLE_SID: [dbvisitp]
Please enter database on standby server dbvisit12.
Oracle database on standby server is [dbvisitp]:
=>Oracle database on standby server will be: dbvisitp
Is this correct? <Yes/No> [Yes]:

21. Enter the ORACLE_BASE directory on the standby server.

Please enter ORACLE_BASE directory for the standby server dbvisit12.
ORACLE_BASE is the admin directory for the Databases.
Dbvisit does not use the ORACLE_BASE directly, but it is useful for determining
where the log directory of Dbvisit should be on the standby server.

Entering an ORACLE_BASE for the standby server is optional.

ORACLE_BASE for standby server is [/oracle/orabase]:

=>ORACLE_BASE for standby server will be: /oracle/orabase

Is this correct? <Yes/No> [Yes]:

22.Enter the directory where the Dbvisit Standby software is installed on the standby server. Normally this is the same as on the primary server.

Please enter the directory for the dbvisit installation location on the standby
This is the directory where the Dbvisit executables will be kept.
This directory must exist on the standby server.
Default location is the same as the on the primary server.

Dbvisit installation dir on the standby server is [/usr/local/dbvisit]:

=>Dbvisit installation dir on the standby server will be: /usr/local/dbvisit

Is this correct? <Yes/No> [Yes]:

23.Enter the directory where the archives should go to on the standby server. Note: this may be different to the log_archive_dest parameter.
When running a RAC environment with the standby database on the DR side, this location must be shared by all the standby nodes.


Please note that the Dbvisit Standby ARCHDEST location IS NOT the same as the Oracle Database Archive Log Destinations. The Dbvisit ARCHDEST is a separate location that is used specific by Dbvisit Standby and should never be the same as any of your Database Archive Log Destinations and should never be located inside the Database FRA (Fast/Flash Recovery Area). The ARCHDEST location on the Standby Server is where Dbvisit Standby will be storing the archive logs that was shipped/copied to the standby server, and from this location they will be applied to the standby database.

Please enter the directory where Dbvisit will transfer the (archive) log files to on standby server dbvisit12.
This directory should ONLY contain (archive) log files related to this database.
It should not contain any other (non archive log) files.
Please ensure that this directory exists on dbvisit12 as this cannot be verified.

It is advisable to also create this directory on the primary server dbvisit11
for graceful switchover to work.

Archive log dir on the standby server is [/oracle/oraarch/dbvisitp]:

=>Archive log dir on the standby server will be: /oracle/oraarch/dbvisitp

Is this correct? <Yes/No> [Yes]:

24. Enter the number of times that Dbvisit Standby should attempt to apply a missing archive before raising an alert. Every configuration may be different, but a good starting point number is 4. This variable sets the alerting threshold.

Please specify the number of times that Dbvisit should attempt to
 apply the missing log file before raising an error. 
Note this number is also used to raise an error if Dbvisit
 cannot be started in case a previous scheduled Dbvisit is still running. 

Ensure that this number is not too low and not too high.

If you are unsure, set to 4

Maximum attempts before raising error when log file is not there is [4]:

=>Maximum attempts before raising error when log file is not there will be: 4

Is this correct? <Yes/No> [Yes]:

E-Mail setup

Dbvisit Standby uses email to send notifications. These notifications can be information messages or error messages. Sendmail can be user, or Dbvisit Standby comes with a default internal mail client.

25. Enter the mail client.

The default mail client is sendmail.
Sendmail does not need to be running in order to send mail from this server.
Only when receiving mail on this server does it need to be running.
Sendmail does need to be configured to in order to send mail.

Dbvisit comes with its own internal mail client.
If Dbvisit mail client is to be used, specify "Dbvisit".

Mail client is [sendmail]:
=>Mail client will be: sendmail

Is this correct? <Yes/No> [Yes]:

26. Enter the email address that will receive the emails from Dbvisit Standby. Multiple email addresses can be specified.

Please enter the administrator email address(es) who will be emailed upon success or failure of the Dbvisit.
 Multiple emails should be separated with a comma (,). 

Administrators email is [oracle oracle@dbvisit11]: support@mycompany.com
=>Administrators email will be: support@mycompany.com

Is this correct? <Yes/No> [Yes]:

27. Specify the FROM email address that will be used to identify the sender of the email from the primary server. Ensure the domain name is a valid domain.

Please enter the FROM email address of this server (optional).
If this is not specified when using Dbvisit internal mail, the emails may not

Mail FROM address is [oracle@dbvisit11.com]:

=>Mail FROM address will be: oracle@dbvisit11.com

Is this correct? <Yes/No> [Yes]:

28. Specify the FROM email address that will be used to identify the sender of the email from the standby server. Ensure the domain name is a valid domain.



 Please enter the FROM email address of the standby server (optional). 
If this is not specified when using Dbvisit internal mail, the emails may not

Mail FROM_DR address is [oracle@dbvisit12.com]:

=>Mail FROM_DR address will be: oracle@dbvisit12.com

Is this correct? <Yes/No> [Yes]:

29. (Only when using Dbvisit Standby internal email client) - Specify the SMTP server to send the email to.(Only when using Dbvisit Standby internal email client) - Specify the optional SMTP server for the standby server. This is only required if the smtp mail server for the standby server differs from the main smtp mail server.



 Please enter the FROM email address of the standby server (optional). 
If this is not specified when using Dbvisit internal mail, the emails may not

Mail FROM_DR address is [oracle@dbvisit12.com]:

=>Mail FROM_DR address will be: oracle@dbvisit12.com

Is this correct? <Yes/No> [Yes]:

30. Only when using Dbvisit Standby internal email client) - Specify the optional SMTP server for the standby server. This is only required if the smtp mail server for the standby server differs from the main smtp mail server.

Optional smtp mail server for the standby server.
Only used if smtp mail server for the standby server differs from the main smtp mail server (MAILCFG_SMTP_SERVER).
- mail.<your company name>.com
- smtp.<your company name>.com 
SMTP mail server for standby server is (optional) []:
=>SMTP mail server for standby server will be:
Is this correct? <Yes/No> [Yes]:

Dbvisit Standby Archive log Management Module (AMM) setup

The Dbvisit Standby Archive log Management Module fully automates the management and monitoring of the Oracle archive log space on either the primary, standby server or both. Please see the Dbvisit Standby Archive log Management Module (AMM)section for more information.

AMM primary server setup

31. Specify if you want to setup AMM on the primary server.

Primary Archive log Management Module Settings (AMM)
Do you want to setup (archive) log file management on the primary server?
This is used to manage the Oracle logs on the primary server.
- Alerts when certain thresholds have been reached.
- Can delete Oracle archives logs after a set number of days.
- Can keep a constant number of Oracle archive logs on the system.
Values are Yes or no
Yes = Setup and use AMM on primary server.
No = do not use AMM on primary server.
If you are not sure, set to Yes.
Should Dbvisit Archive Log Management Module be used on primary server? [Yes]:
=>Dbvisit Archive Log Management Module on primary server will used: Yes
Is this correct? <Yes/No> [Yes]:

32. Specify the number of days to keep the Oracle (archive) log files on disk. After this period they will be removed. To disable this setting, set to 0.

Please specify the number of days you want to keep the Oracle log files on the primary server?
After this the log files will be removed from the server.
To disable this setting, set to 0.
If you are not sure, set to 7
Number of days to keep log files on disk is [7]:
=>Number of days to keep log files on disk will be: 7
Is this correct? <Yes/No> [Yes]:

33. Specify the number of (archive) log files to keep on the server. Log files greater than this number will be removed (oldest first). To disable this setting, set to 0.

Please specify the number of Archive log files to keep on the primary server?
Log files greater than this number will be removed (oldest first).
To disable this setting, set to 0.
If you are not sure, set to 0 (disable).
Number of log files to keep on disk is [0]:
=>Number of log files to keep on disk will be: 0
Is this correct? <Yes/No> [Yes]:

34. Specify the threshold in a percentage of how much disk space may be used up by the (archive) log files before raising an alert.

Please specify the threshold in percentage (%) of how much disk space may be
taken up by the Oracle log files on disk before an alert is triggered on the
primary server.
80 means at 80% disk space full an alert will be triggered.
Please specify threshold as an integer.
If you are not sure, set to 80.
Threshold for log file management is [80]:
=>Threshold for log file management will be: 80
Is this correct? <Yes/No> [Yes]:

35. Please specify if (archive) log files should be deleted once the threshold on the primary server is reached.

Please specify if (archive) log files should be deleted once the
 threshold (THRESHOLD_ARCHSOURCE) on the primary server is reached. 
Once the percentage threshold is reached oldest (archive) log files are deleted first.
The log files WILL have been transferred to the standby server.
(There is no verification that these log files have been backed up).
Values are Yes or No
Yes = Let Dbvisit delete (archive) log files once percentage threshold is met.
No = Dbvisit will only alert once percentage threshold (no log files will be deleted).
If you are not sure, set to No.
Should Dbvisit Archive Log Management Module delete log files once percentage threshold is met? [No]:
=> Dbvisit Archive Log Management Module will delete log files once percentage threshold is met: No
Is this correct? <Yes/No> [Yes]:

AMM standby server setup

36. Specify if you want to setup AMM on the standby server.

Standby Archive log Management Module Settings (AMM)
Do you want to setup (archive) log file management on the standby server?
This is used to manage the Oracle logs on the standby server.
- Alerts when certain thresholds have been reached.
- Can delete Oracle archives logs after a set number of days.
- Can keep a constant number of Oracle archive logs on the system.
Values are Yes or no
Yes = Setup and use AMM on standby server.
No = do not use AMM on standby server.
If you are not sure, set to Yes.
Should Dbvisit Archive Log Management Module be used on standby server? [Yes]:
=>Dbvisit Archive Log Management Module on standby server will used: Yes
Is this correct? <Yes/No> [Yes]:

37. Specify the number of days to keep the Oracle (archive) log files on disk. After this period they will be removed. To disable this setting, set to 0.

Please specify the number of days you want to keep the Oracle log files on the standby server?
After this the log files will be removed from the server.
To disable this setting, set to 0.
If you are not sure, set to 7
Number of days to keep log files on disk is [7]:
=>Number of days to keep log files on disk will be: 7
Is this correct? <Yes/No> [Yes]:

38. Specify the number of (archive) log files to keep on the server. Log files greater than this number will be removed (oldest first). To disable this setting, set to 0.

Please specify the number of Archive log files to keep on the standby server?
Log files greater than this number will be removed (oldest first).
To disable this setting, set to 0.
If you are not sure, set to 0 (disable).
Number of log files to keep on disk is [0]:
=>Number of log files to keep on disk will be: 0
Is this correct? <Yes/No> [Yes]:

39. Specify the threshold in a percentage of how much disk space may be used up by the (archive) log files before raising an alert.


Please specify the threshold in percentage (%) of how much disk space may be
taken up by the Oracle log files on disk before an alert is triggered on the standby server.
80 means at 80% disk space full an alert will be triggered.
Please specify threshold as an integer.
If you are not sure, set to 80.
Threshold for log file management is [80]:
=>Threshold for log file management will be: 80
Is this correct? <Yes/No> [Yes]:

40. Specify if (archive) log files should be deleted once the threshold on the primary server is reached.


Please specify if (archive) log files should be deleted once the threshold
 (THRESHOLD_ARCHDEST) on the standby server is reached. 
Once the percentage threshold is reached oldest (archive) log files are deleted first.
The log files WILL have been applied to the standby database.
(There is no verification that these log files have been backed up).
Values are Yes or No
Yes = Let Dbvisit delete (archive) log files once percentage threshold is met.
No = Dbvisit will only alert once percentage threshold (no log files will be deleted).
Should Dbvisit Archive Log Management Module delete log files once percentage threshold is met? [No]:
=> Dbvisit Archive Log Management Module will delete log files once percentage threshold is met: No
Is this correct? <Yes/No> [Yes]:

Review settings

The main setup for the database is now complete. All settings will be shown, not just the quick settings shown above. If any changes are required, then this can be done now.


=====10 Generic Settings===== 
 1) TMP=/usr/tmp 
2) PATH=/usr/local/bin:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/X11R6/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin
3) ORATAB=/etc/oratab
4) ORACLE_SID=dbvisitp
5) ORACLE_HOME=/oracle/orabase/product/10.1.0/Db_1
6) OWNER=oracle
7) CP=/usr/bin/scp
8) RSH=/usr/bin/ssh
9) COMPRESS=/usr/bin/gzip
10) UNCOMPRESS=/usr/bin/gunzip

=====15 RAC Settings=====
13) RAC=N

=====20 Primary Server Settings=====
14) SOURCE=dbvisit11
15) BINDIR=/usr/local/dbvisit5
16) ORACLE_BASE=/oracle/orabase
17) LOGDIR=/oracle/orabase/admin/dbvisitp/dbvisit
18) DBUSER=dbvisit
19) DBPASSWD=dbvisitpasswd

=====30 Standby Server Settings=====
23) DESTINATION=dbvisit12
24) ORACLE_SID_DEST=dbvisitp
25) ORACLE_BASE_DR=/oracle/orabase
26) BINDIR_DR=/usr/local/dbvisit5
27) LOGDIR_DR=/oracle/orabase/admin/dbvisitp/dbvisit
28) ARCHDEST=/oracle/oraarch/dbvisitp

Are these variables correct? <Yes/No> [Yes]:
=====40 Mail Settings=====
33) ADMINS=oracle@dbvisit11
34) MAILCFG_FROM=oracle@dbvisit11.com
35) MAILCFG_FROM_DR=oracle@dbvisit12.com

=====50 Primary Archive Log Management Settings=====

=====60 Standby Archive Log Management Settings=====

Are these variables correct? <Yes/No> [Yes]:

Dbvisit Standby Database Configuration (DDC) file

The Dbvisit Standby Database Configuration (DDC) file will now be created. If the configuration file already exists, you will be prompted to overwrite the current configuration file.

=>Dbvisit Database configuration file /usr/local/dbvisit/standby/dbv_dbvisitp.env created.

The Dbvisit Standby Database Configuration file:

  • Is a text file that contains all the settings for each database. There will be a DDC file for each database or instance that has Dbvisit Standby installed. It is the equivalent init.ora file for Dbvisit Standby.
  • Contains the configuration for the optional Dbvisit Standby Archive log Management Module (AMM).
  • The name of the DDC file is dbv_database_name.env
  • For RAC, the name of the DDC file is dbv_instance_name.env
  • The location of the DDC file is the Dbvisit Standby install directory.
  • Contains all the necessary configuration information to keep the standby database up to date.
  • Can be modified with any text editor, or can be modified through the dbvisit_setup utility.
  • Will be automatically copied over to the standby server the first time Dbvisit Standby executes.
  • Any changes should always be done on the primary server. Dbvisit Standby will detect that changes have been made and will transfer the DDC to the standby server.

Dbvisit Standby Database Repository (DDR) setup

The Dbvisit Standby Database Repository (DDR) will now be created using information from the DDC file that has just been created in the previous step.


=>Creating Dbvisit Database repository (DDR). 
Database w102n is up.

41. Select the default tablespace to install the Dbvisit Standby database repository (DDR). A list of tablespaces will be displayed.


Please select the default tablespace to install the Dbvisit Database repository (DDR). 
The following tablespaces are available:
6) Refresh list
Please enter choice : 5
The default tablespace will be: USERS

Is this correct? <Yes/No> [Yes]:

42. Select the temporary tablespace to install the Dbvisit Standby Database Repository (DDR). A list of tablespaces will be displayed.


Please select the temp tablespace to install the Dbvisit Database repository (DDR). 
The following tablespaces are available:

6) Refresh list

Please enter choice : 4
The temp tablespace will be: TEMP

Is this correct? <Yes/No> [Yes]:

43. The Dbvisit Standby Database Repository (DDR) will now be created.


Dbvisit will now create the Dbvisit Database repository (DDR). Continue (Yes) or return to the 
menu? <Yes/Return> [Yes]:
User dbvisit created.
Grants to user dbvisit completed.
Creating repository for dbvisit.
Repository for dbvisit created.

Dbvisit Standby setup completed for CLI

The Dbvisit Standby setup is complete.

44. Dbvisit Standby setup is now complete. Ensure the tasks listed are completed on the standby server. A "what is next" message is also displayed.


Dbvisit configuration completed.

Ensure the following directories are setup on
standby server win2003se-02 with the correct permissions:
1) c:\oracle\orabase
2) C:\oracle\oraarch\w102n

Next steps:
Create standby database using option in main menu:
7) Create Standby Database

Please press <Enter> to return to main menu...

45. Press enter to return to the main menu.

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 Dbvisit Standby Database technology


Dbvisit Database setup

 Default values will be shown in [] 

1) New Database setup (combines options 2,3,4)
1a) New RAC Instance setup (combines options 2,3,4)

2) New Dbvisit Database configuration (DDC) file setup
3) New Dbvisit Archive Management Module (AMM) setup
4) New Dbvisit Database repository (DDR) setup

5) Manage Dbvisit Database repository (DDR)
6) Update Dbvisit Database configuration (DDC) file

7) Create Standby Database

9) Uninstall Dbvisit Database repository (DDR)

E) Exit

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