Configuration Variable Reference

Configuration Variable Reference

Per-process setting

Usually, variables are set globally, for all processes. This is done by specifying no process name, or *.

SET LOG_FILE=/home/oracle/log/%N.%E

If the variable value needs to be set differently for a process, use SET with a process name, e.g.

SET APPLY.LOG_FILE=/home/oracle/log/%N.%E

If the variable needs to be set back to the global "*" setting, use RESET command.

Note that if both global "*" and per-process values of the given variable are set then the per-process value has higher priority, e.g.

   *.MAILCFG_FROM = john@dbvisit.com
MINE.MAILCFG_FROM = george@dbvisit.com

With this settings MINE process uses email george@dbvisit.com while APPLY and FETCHER processes use john@dbvisit.com.

Variables can also be set with MEMORY_SET, which only sets it in memory and not the DDC file. After a restart of the process the setting will no longer take affect (unless MEMORY_SET is specified in the DDC file).

To clarify:
The MEMORY_SET command sets the value locally, for that one process only and is NOT written to the DDC file.  The value is lost upon restart.
The SET command  sets the value locally, AND writes into the repository in the database so it will not be lose when the process is restarted.

Variable reference

Internal VariableDescription

When a table is prepared, should the name from MINE be kept as-is, made uppercase, or lowercase? This is honored for case-sensitive databases only (MySQL and MSSQL).
Default is UPPER. 


Allows global rename of columns. Translates column names on source database to new column names on target database. This is handy if replicating from one database to another type of database (eg MySQL) where a specific column cannot be used because it is a reserved word.


This will rename the column PRIMARY to PRIMARY_VALUE on the target database. 

Multiple columns pairs can be separated with commas: 


Default is an empty string.


Connection definition for the APPLY database. This is TNS connection string for Oracle, connection string for MySQL or DSN (Data Source Name) for MS SQL.


DBID (see v$database) of databases where apply connects. The default is empty and the variable is optional; however, it's always set by setup wizard. This helps to check that the connection strings resolve to correct databases as the apply server.

Default: (empty)

The output format for dates, timestamps and intervals when using flatfiles. YMD is human-readable like YYYY.MM.DD (+time portion, time zones) or Oracle-like for intervals (+3-2 for year-day). ISO8601 is Java-like 2014-12-05T12:34:56 or P12Y2M.
  • AUTO (default) (Auto is YMD for CSV)
  • YMD
  • ISO8601 (for Avro)
  • NO
  • YES (default)

LOAD feature uses array binding if this variable is set to YES.


The size of Array Bind when it is switched on for LOAD feature.

Default: 500

  • NO
  • YES (default)

The number of rows sent to parallel threads at once, to minimize Perl thread copy overhead when using LOAD feature.

Default: 25


This parameter governs the total size of intermediary files in the APPLY_FILEOUT_STAGING_DIR BEFORE they are flushed to final CSV output, and delivered to APPLY_FILEOUT_TARGET_DIR. This work is done in batches, rather than writing new CSV files for each operation which would be inefficient, and can be tuned according to your requirements.

If only a single table is replicated then this value would correlate closely to the file size for the actual output file. The file will be closed then this size is reached and the transaction is completed.

Values: integer

Default: 10485760 (10mb)


The field separator for CSV output files.

Default: (empty)

Value: string, with support for escaped chars:

\0 \a \b \t \n \v \f \r \x00 (arbitrary hex number ) \\ (backslash)


The row separator for CSV output files.

Default: (empty)

Value: string, with support for escaped chars:

\0 \a \b \t \n \v \f \r \x00 (arbitrary hex number ) \\ (backslash)


The file type for the output file.

  • OFF (default)
  • NONE (OFF)
  • CSV


The type of filesystem to be written to.

  • FS (Filesystem) (default)
  • HFDS (Hadoop)

The namenode of the Hadoop HDFS. This is the standard protocol how HDFS clients connect.

Default: localhost:9000

Values: host:port


The directory where output files are stored while they are in progress.

Default: OFF

Value: directory + file mask.


%O table owner

%A table name

%C transaction start SCN

%I object=table id

%X transaction id

%N apply process name

%T process type (=APPLY)

%H thread id

%S plog id

%D ddc name

%E file type (csv/avro)

Note that one file can contain multiple transactions. So %C/%X/%H/%S are determined based on first transaction in the file.

We recommend to use %C to order the output files and add %X for cases when %C is non-unique.


The directory where output files are stored when they are completed.

Default: OFF

Value: directory + file mask.


%O table owner

%A table name

%C transaction start SCN

%I object=table id

%X transaction id

%N apply process name

%T process type (=APPLY)

%H thread id

%S plog id

%D ddc name

%E file type (csv/avro)

Note that one file can contain multiple transactions. So %C/%X/%H/%S are determined based on first transaction in the file.

We recommend to use %C to order the output files and add %X for cases when %C is non-unique.


Automatically ignore specified Oracle errors (ORA- ).

Values: string (delimited by :)

Default: (empty) (Internally ORA-10655 is pre set)

For example, if there is a parent-child relationship and only the parent table is being replicated because the child table does not exist on target, any foreign key constraints being created on the parent-child relationship will be replicated and will result in an ORA-942 table or view does not exist error because the because the add constraint command doesn't find child table it wants to reference to.



This will make Apply ignore all ORA-00942 error codes.

Multiple error codes can be delimited by :



This setting requires a restart of the Apply process.

APPLY_LISTEN_INTERFACENetwork interface on which APPLY listens for commands (hostname:port).
Default will depend on what was entered in the Setup Wizard.  

If set to YES apply process checks originating dbid of the transaction (on which db it was first mined). If it's same as dbid of apply database, apply skips the change. This is useful for two way replications.

  • YES (default)
  • NO



Values: string

Default: (empty)


Enables parallel load for LOAD feature.

  • YES (default)
  • NO

Encrypted APPLY database password. (Use ENCRYPT command to get encrypted password from the plain text password.)
Default will be encrypted and will depend on what was entered in the Setup Wizard. 

APPLY_PEERWhat is the corresponding APPLY for this process? If SIMPLE_CONFIG = YES, this is simply set to APPLY.
  • NO (default)
  • YES

If set to YES, then APPLY will postponing the last LCR or SQL until the next SQL for the same object is found. This can sometimes help with (deadlock) locking issues or "APPLY hung" issues. This can also assist if there are killed sessions on the source database and the APPLY is waiting on the detection of the killed process to rollback (or commit).

By setting to YES it means that APPLY is always one SQL behind. This means APPLY always keeps one SQL in each open transaction unapplied. It processes the changes it gets from MINE, but stops short of the last one available so far.

As soon as APPLY receives the commit, it applies even the last SQL. So there is never any data loss, although it can be noticed that APPLY lags behind MINE until the commit arrives. But this is probably most visible for manual test cases (like insert 10.000 rows and see that 9.999 has been applied) because in production systems there is always some activity from the source (and with commits), so this situation is rarely seen.


APPLY database type:

  • Oracle
  • MySQL

Default will depend on what was entered in the Setup Wizard


Where to connect to reach this APPLY process. This is usually same as APPLY_LISTEN_INTERFACE, but may be changed if the name resolution works differently among the machines, listen binds to selected interfaces only, etc. Note that this settings is used by the console, too.
Default will depend on what was setup in the Setup Wizard. 


How to make triggers to not fire in APPLY sessions (YES/NO/AUTO).

  • YES enable the set-trigger-firing property (to honor dbms_ddl.set_trigger_firing_property) and abort if fail.
  • AUTO (default) try to enable it, if possible.
  • NO disable it, even the package/variable way.
APPLY_SCHEMAAPPLY database schema (Oracle, usually same as APPLY_USER), schema=database (MySQL), database (MS SQL).
Default will depend on  what was setup in the Setup Wizard.

APPLY database schema (SQL Server only).

Default empty string unless MS SQL is the target. Then it will depend on what was setup in the Setup Wizard.


Directory to store received PLOGS on APPLY server.

Default is the directory set up in the Setup Wizard and then a subfolder of /apply.


The trace file contains all SQL applied as well as further debugging info.


 %N apply process name

 %S plog sequence

 %E file type extension



This requires a restart of the Apply process.

  • OFF (default)
  • path

If set to YES the APPLY process will only use the primary key in the WHERE clause. If NO, the APPLY process will also use all supplemental columns in the WHERE clause.

  • NO (default)
  • YES 

APPLY database login username.

Default will depend on  what was setup in the Setup Wizard.


Disable/enable checking of variable values.

  • ON (default)
  • OFF
  • comma separated list of variable NOT to check

DBID is the Oracle Database ID that is storing the DDC metadata tables for Dbvisit Replicate. This is checked to make sure that Dbvisit connects to the correct database.

Values: string (something that a user would not normally set)

DDC_BACKUP_DIRIf DDC DB, on every startup of a process a backup of all DDC settings is made into this directory as a backup, e.g. for use with CREATE DDCDB FROM DDCFILE, or just for reference.
Values: string. Usually /ddc_backup from the main directory. Chosen during the Setup Wizard.
DDC_DATABASETNS identifier for the database when the DDC DB is stored. (Setup wizard sets it to MINE database for this by default.) Note that just setting this variable will not create the DDC DB tables, these are contained in every dictionary.

Unique id of the DDC. This must not change after configuration is complete.

Default: 1.

DDC_NAMEName of the configuration (%d in filemask). This can change as you want, as internally only the DDC_ID matters, but beware of all %d references.
Default will depend on  what was setup in the Setup Wizard. 

Encrypted ddc db database password. (Use ENCRYPT command to get encrypted password from the plain text password.)

Default will depend on  what was setup in the Setup Wizard.


DDC database schema, usually same as DDC_USER.

Default will depend on  what was setup in the Setup Wizard.


DDC DB database login username.

Default will depend on  what was setup in the Setup Wizard.


Any DDL issued by this user will be ignored. Users are separated by colons. This requires an APPLY restart.

Default: empty.


If set to YES all grants on the prepared tables will be replicated to the target database. Note that dbvrep user on the target database needs to have sufficient privileges to replicate grants, e.g. GRANT ANY OBJECT PRIVILEGE.

  • NO (default)
  • YES

Set debugging level. This is bit field. Example 2^32-1 means all bits are enabled.


DEBUG_LEVEL = 4294967295

 Contact support for possible values.

Default: 0


Delete PLOGS after specific time period. Time period can be days (d) or hours(h).

Default: 3d


Delete PLOGS are total size of all PLOGS exceeds size in MB.

Default: 1024


Compress the PLOGS as soon as they are not needed by Dbvisit Replicate anymore.

Default: Yes


Delete the redo logs transferred from FETCHER after specific time period. Time period can be days (d) or hours(h).

Default: 3d


Delete the redo logs transferred from FETCHER after total size of all PLOGS exceeds size in MB.

Default: 1024


Compress the redo logs transferred from FETCHER as soon as they are not needed by Dbvisit Replicate anymore.

Default: Yes


Sends a email notification as well as a warning message in the log file when free space on the filesystem goes below this threshold.

Values: integer

Default: 1073741824 (1GB)


Show all objects. By default only tables will be shown.

  • NO (default)
  • YES (This may cause all objects to display. Certain objects may still not appear in the console)

What table name to show when rename is used. The valid values are:

  • BOTH (default)

Colon-separated list of users whose DML operations should not be replicated. Use to filter out transactions.

Default (empty)


When generating the scripts for export this parameter allows the option to exclude or include statistics.

  • NO (default)
  • YES
DROP_SUPPLEMENTAL_LOG_DATASupplemental logging is dropped by default when UNPREPARING tables. If the parameter is set to NO then supplemental logging will remain on the table after the table is unprepared.
  • YES (default)
  • NO
FETCHER_DATABASEMINE database TNS (when connecting from FETCHER).
Default will depend on  what was setup in the Setup Wizard. Will be an empty string if FETCHER is not used. 

DBID (see v$database) of databases where fetcher connects. The default is empty and the variable is optional; however, it's always set by setup wizard. This helps to check that the connection strings resolve to correct databases = the same ones as the fetcher server.

Default will depend on  what was setup in the Setup Wizard. Will be an empty string if FETCHER is not used. 

FETCHER_ENABLEDFETCHER (downstream capture) enabled, this means MINE waits for redo logs from FETCHER.
  • YES
  • NO (default)

Network interface on which FETCHER listens for commands (hostname:port).

Default will depend on  what was setup in the Setup Wizard.


Encrypted FETCHER database password. (Use ENCRYPT command to get encrypted password from the plain text password.)

Default will depend on  what was setup in the Setup Wizard. Will be an empty string if FETCHER is not used. 

FETCHER_PEERWhat is the corresponding FETCHER for this process? If SIMPLE_CONFIG = YES, this is simply set to FETCHER.
FETCHER_REMOTE_INTERFACEWhere to connect to reach this FETCHER process. This is usually same as FETCHER_LISTEN_INTERFACE, but may be changed if the name resolution works differently among the machines, listen binds to selected interfaces only, etc. Note that this settings is used by the console, too.

Schema of MINE repository (when connecting from FETCHER). Virtually always same as MINE_SCHEMA.

Default will depend on  what was setup in the Setup Wizard. Will be an empty string if FETCHER is not used. 


On RAC, specify a subset of redo log threads that a particular FETCHER should handle; it is necessary to send all threads to MINE, but it is possible to use multiple FETCHERS. Use "ALL" (default) or colon-separated list of threads (e.g. "1:3:5").

Default: ALL


MINE database login username (when connecting from FETCHER).

Default will depend on what was setup in the Setup Wizard. Will be an empty string if FETCHER is not used. 


If set to YES plog names can use placeholders that can generate different filenames on every mine run when using Java Plog Extractor. Allowed placeholders are %Z (seconds since epoch) and %Q (process uuid (changes after restart)) and must be the last in the filename and must follow %E (extension).

  • NO (default)
  • YES


Will ignore differences in the table definition (or if it is missing) between source and target during the prepare phase.

  • NO (default) However this can changed to YES depending on options used in the Setup Wizard
  • YES
INSTANTIATE_SCNDetermines where to initiate the replication from. The valid values are:
  • NOW
  • RESETLOGS (selects the SCN from v$database.resetlogs_scn on the target database)
  • Manually entered SCN number

Show license info and product version in console

  • ON (default)
  • OFF

License key, as obtained by your purchase.

Default: Your license key or a random trial license good for 30 days.


General process log file location template.

Default will depend on  what was setup in the Setup Wizard. Generally it is 'home'/log


General trace file location template.

Default will depend on  what was setup in the Setup Wizard. Generally it is 'home'/log/trace

LOG_FILE_COUNTThe number of copies of the log that should be kept. The active log will always be called *.log. Once the file is full (see LOG_FILE_SIZE parameter) then a copy of the log will be rotated and saved as *log.1. Any contents saved in *log.1 will be saved as *log.2. The process will continue determined by the value that this parameter is set to. When the default number is reached the last one will be rotated off.

Default: 2
LOG_FILE_DATE_ROTATEIf not OFF (default), specifies how often rotate the general log files. Allowed values:
  • yyyy-MM: every month
  • yyyy-ww: every week
  • yyyy-MM-dd: every day at midnight
  • yyyy-MM-dd-a: every day at noon
  • yyyy-MM-dd-HH: every hour
  • yyyy-MM-dd-HH-MM: every minute

Note: The values provided above are CASE SENSITIVE, so make sure you provide the values same as above.

LOG_FILE_SIZEApproximate maximum log size in bytes. Once the log exceeds this size the log file will rotate.
Default: 100MB  Set in bytes.

When PLOGS are applied and no longer needed even after APPLY restart, they are eligible for deletion. In addition, they must be at least LOG_OBSOLETE_AGE_PLOG days old.

Values: integer (days)

Default: 0


When redo logs are mined and no longer needed even after MINE restart, they are eligible for deletion. In addition, they must be at least LOG_OBSOLETE_AGE_PLOG days old. NOTE: this applies only for redolog copies shipped to MINE from FETCHER – if MINE reads them directly, they are left to be managed by database administrator, using RMAN, backup scripts etc.

Values: integer (days)

Default: 0


Limits the amount of data from metadata tables for the support package. Data older than (N) days will not be included.

Values: integer (days)

Default: 10


Limits the amount of data from trace files for the support package. Trace files older than (N) days will not be included.

Values: integer (days)

Default: 30

  • OFF (default)
  • password: set the password to be used if the SMTP server requires authentication.
  • OFF (default)
  • username: set the username to be used if the SMTP server requires authentication.

The From address to be used in outgoing emails.

Values: string
Default: nobody@example.com

MAILCFG_PORTThe SMTP port to be used (default is the usual 25; however, the usual value for SSL-enabled SMTP server is 465).

Sets SMTP mail server to be used for sending emails.

Values: string

Default: localhost

MAILCFG_USE_SSLUse SSL protocol for the SMTP server (yes/no, default no).

Memory limit for MINE, specified in megabytes. Note that these figures do not include overhead of Perl and of system malloc(), thus do not set it to consume all of your available memory. It does not use ulimit or other OS-based limits. Settings this too low will cause MINE to abort.

Values: string

Default: 2048


Memory limits for APPLY, specified in megabytes. Note that these figures do not include overhead of Perl and of system malloc(), thus do not set it to consume all of your available memory. It does not use ulimit or other OS-based limits. Setting this low may cause performance degradation, setting it too low will cause APPLY to abort.

Values: string

Default: 2048


MINE will ONLY look in this directory for archivelogs. This parameter will be used in conjunction with the REDO_READ_METHOD set to ARCHONLY.

Default is empty.


Available options: %T_%S_%R %E for standby.

Default is empty.


SID for ASM (usually +ASM). Note that on RAC, this must be set to the local ASM node name (e.g. +ASM2).

This instructs Dbvisit Replicate to ignore redo logs in ASM and uses the redo logs on the file system (when they are multiplexed). This is useful when using older versions of ASM such as 10.1 as Dbvisit Replicate only supports ASM version 10.2 and higher. 

Default is empty.


Converts the Timezone to UTC time.

For use with the Kahiti project. Used in Conjunction with MINE.SOURCE_TIMEZONE parameter that is set automatically with the Setup Wizard. If you are using with regular APPLY, you have to set APPLY.SOURCE_TIMEZONE=UTC (so APPLY does not recalculate the TZ with LTZ values once again).

  • NO (default)
  • YES
MINE_DATABASEMINE database TNS connection string.
Default will depend on what was setup in the Setup Wizard 

DBID (see v$database) of databases where mine connects. It always set by setup wizard. This helps to check that the connection strings resolve to correct databases = the same ones from mine server.

Default is an empty string.


Mine pauses if PLOGs take more disk space than is the limit set by this variable. The default value 0 disables the feature.

Default: 0


This parameter determines the frequency of how often an update happens to the DBRSCOMMON_HEARTBEAT table in the dbvrep schema. This table can be used to monitor the state of replication.

  • 10 (seconds) (default)
  • If you want to disable this feature set to 0

Network interface on which MINE listens for commands (hostname:port).

Default will depend on what was setup in the Setup Wizard.


If set to YES mine skips all changes done by apply process. It does not care about which ddc it was, which dbvrep user etc. This is useful for two way replication.

  • YES
  • NO (default)

Encrypted FETCHER database password. (Use ENCRYPT command to get encrypted password from the plain text password.)

Default will depend on what was setup in the Setup Wizard


What is the corresponding MINE for this process? If SIMPLE_CONFIG = YES, this is simply set to MINE.

MINE_PLOGTemplate for PLOG files generated on MINE.

%S.%E is the default in the Setup Wizard.

%S sequence

%E default extension (.plog)

%T thread

%F original filename (no extension)

%P process type

%N process name

%M MINE UUID (Unique Universal Identifier)

%Q process UUID (changes after each restart)

%Z seconds since epoch

and the directory is usually /install/mine/


Where to connect to reach this MINE process. This is usually same as MINE_LISTEN_INTERFACE, but may be changed if the name resolution works differently among the machines, listen binds to selected interfaces only, etc. Note that this settings is used by the console, too.

Default will depend on what was setup in the Setup Wizard


Database schema containing the repository tables (usually same as MINE_USER).

Default will depend on what was setup in the Setup Wizard

MINE_STAGING_DIRDirectory where to store redo logs received from FETCHER.
Default empty string. 

Trace file can be compared with trace file generated by Oracle alter system dump logfile.

  • OFF (default)
  • ON

If set to YES mine will replicate TRUNCATE operations even when DDL replication is off. This requires the MINE process to be restarted.

  • YES (default)
  • NO
MINE_UNIQUE_IDUnique ID of MINE, regenerated every time the MINE dictionary is recreated, e.g. when scripts created by setup wizard are re-run. This ID uniquely identifies the PLOGS, so they do not get mixed up between different replications.
MINE_USERMINE database login username.
NCHARSETThis is the national character set of the source database. This is relevant only for NCHAR/NVARCHAR2 columns. Only UTF8 and AL16UTF16 values are supported; Oracle expects Unicode values to be specified in UTF16, so if the source database is using UTF8 (specified by this setting), APPLY does the necessary conversion to UTF16. Any other (legacy) mutlibyte character sets are currently not supported.
Default: AL16UTF16

Configure Network Timeouts, Compression, Transfer block size, etc. to suit slow or fast network.
Default: MANUAL

Values of LAN/WAN are Deprecated for this version.

If set to MANUAL , below parameters can be modified (The values provided are default values).

_NETWORK_CHUNKSIZE 10000000 (app. 10MB)

NETWORK_TRAFFIC_KEYCommon key for network authorization among FETCHER, MINE, APPLY and console.
Default: key varies 

The NLS_LANG variable is set at the APPLY environment and behaves like the NLS_LANG environment does: it sets the language, territory and character set of the APPLY session. The language and territory are not very important (they affect things like Oracle error messages shown), the character set must be set to the source database character set, so the any character strings applied are treated correctly according the character set they are in.

Apart from setting the NLS_LANG to a character set. The values of NLS_LANG can also be:

  • KEEP_UNDEF - ignore the NLS_LANG environment setting
  • KEEP - use the NLS_LANG environment setting

Note: These above 2 settings should be set using the "memory_set" and not the "set" command. Example:


This can be set in the MINE ddc file.

Also see NLS Considerations.

Default will depend on NLS settings of the environment the dbvrep executable was run on.


The error notification emails (=all except list progress and heartbeat) are sent to these addresses. Separate multiple addresses by comma.
Default = OFF 


All notifications emails are sent to these addresses. Separate multiple addresses by comma.

Default = OFF 


If the number of conflicts on APPLY equals or exceeds this threshold, an SNMP trap and/or email is sent. This setting only applies to the number of conflicts since the last restart of the Apply process.

Restarting the Apply process resets the number of conflicts to 0.


Before restarting the Apply process the number of conflicts is 250


After restarting of the Apply process, the number of conflicts is 0


Value 0 is turning that notification off.

Default 100


If APPLY is waiting on conflict (PAUSE handler), should a notification be sent?

  • YES (default)
  • NO

If APPLY is waiting on conflict (RETRY handler), after how many retries should a notification be sent?

Values: Integer

Default: 2


Times when the overall progress email should be sent. Use 24-hour time format, separate multiple times by colon, e.g. 0700 or 0800:2000. Note that times near to midnight may be skipped, if no check gets scheduled till midnight (see also NOTIFY_INTERVAL_BETWEEN_CHECKS). This parameter requires a MINE/APPLY restart to take effect.

Default: 0700


How many times must be a notification condition be met before the SNMP trap / email is actually sent. (\

Values: Integer

Default: 2

  • How many times a notification will be sent out via email for a given incident.

    Values: Integer
    Default: 10


How often the notification checks are performed. (Specify seconds, minutes, hours, days, as needed, e.g. 5m or 1h20m30s).

Value: Integer (plus s:m:h:d)

Default: 5m


Sends an email when apply replicates a DDL statement.

  • YES (default)
  • NO

ALL or colon-separated list. If the specified peer is down, sends an SNMP trap and/or email.



Default: ALL

NOTIFY_PROGRESS_DIFFERENCE_PERCIf the lag between APPLY and MINE for any table exceeds this threshold, an SNMP trap and/or email is sent. (This checks the percentage as shown by the LIST PROGRESS command.)

SCN difference: if the lag between APPLY and MINE exceeds this threshold, an SNMP trap and/or email is sent.

Values: Integer

Default is 10000.


Times when the overall heartbeat email should be sent. Use 24-hour time format, separate multiple times by colon, e.g. 0700 or 0800:2000. Note that times near to midnight may be skipped, if no check gets scheduled till midnight (see also NOTIFY_INTERVAL_BETWEEN_CHECKS).

Default: 0800:1300


Number of redo logs / PLOGS: if the lag between APPLY and MINE or MINE and FETCHER exceeds this threshold, an SNMP trap and/or email is sent.

Values: Integer

Default: 10


The list progress and heartbeat emails are sent to these addresses. Separate multiple addresses by comma.

Default: OFF


The time, in seconds, between MINE and APPLY. If the lag between APPLY and MINE or MINE and FETCHER exceeds this threshold, an SNMP trap and/or email is sent.

Values: Integer

Default: 300


Commit options for APPLY sessions (target). Can be either 

  • DEFAULT (default)

The default value is DEFAULT, which is the usual behaviour of commit on Oracle. DEFAULT is the only valid option for Oracle 9i. Option is ignored for non-Oracle databases. Consult with support before setting, as some of the non-default values may lead to data loss in some special cases such as RAC. Setting to NOWAIT BATCH means APPLY will not wait for commit redo to be written to disk. This may improve performance of APPLY, but is not recommended for RAC target systems because during a crash of one of the nodes not all the SCN information of the replication will be up to date. And this may cause data loss in the replication. For RAC target systems set to WAIT IMMEDIATE which means commit wait. For Oracle current versions, DEFAULT is the same as WAIT IMMEDIATE.


Should errors be treated fatal? Usually used in DDC file so that failed variable checks are clearly pointed out.

  • SKIP (default): continue
  • EXIT: fatal error and stop

Should warnings be treated fatal?

  • SKIP (default): continue
  • EXIT: fatal error and stop

Set this variable for Dbvisit Replicate with the same affect as setting them in the shell environment. Note that ASM connection use bequeath connection and thus need same ORACLE_HOME as that when ASM actually resides.

Default: empty string


Set this variable for Dbvisit Replicate with the same affect as setting them in the shell environment for any Oracle client.

Default: empty string


Format of SQL in conflict log table:

  • BIND
  • NOBIND (default)
  • BOTH

BIND = show SQL statements with bind variables

NOBIND = show SQL statements with literals

BOTH = show both


Should PREPARE command check that the table exists on target database? 

  • NO (default)

  • YES

Should PREPARE command check that the table exists on target? Default: YES. Note that both mine and apply checks also include supported datatypes, for apply we check that the datatypes match with source.

  • YES (default)

  • NO

Global Temporary Tables will be checked when the PREPARE command is run. Global Temporary Tables will be ignored. If you have a large number of tables you may wish to set the parameter to NO to speed up the PREPARE command, however this may mean that Global Temporary Tables are replicated.

  • YES (default starting in 2.7.12)

  • NO


The list of schema.tables to be skipped in PREPARE SCHEMA. This is part of Step 3 in the Setup Wizard if you specify exceptions.

Values: string

Default: (empty)


Set type of process to MINE/FETCHER/APPLY (this must be set per-process). With SIMPLE_CONFIG, APPLY process is set to APPLY, MINE to MINE and if FETCHER is enabled, FETCHER to FETCHER.




OFF / profiler file name. Use only as instructed by support. This will generate extra trace files with profiling information that can be used by support to further diagnose issues. This can be turned on for the MINE or APPLY process or both.

SET PROFILER /home/oracle/..../prof_%S.%E in the DDC file.

Restart the process and wait for a few log switches, then zip and upload the resulting files to support.                       

The specified path can be arbitrary but ensure to include %S in the name so a new file is generated for each log switch. 

Please see Dbvisit Replicate Profile Performance Statistics for more information.

Default: OFF


Specify if both online redo logs and archive logs should be used or archive log only (archivelogs only) files exclusively.

  • REDOFIRST (default, use both online redo and archive logs)
  • ARCHONLY (use only archive logs)

Set this in the *MINE.ddc only.

Changing this requires a restart of the MINE process.


Determines whether Replicate internal tables (DBRSOBJ$, DBRSUSER$, DBRSCOMMON_HEARTBEAT and for CSV output also DBRSCOL$) are replicated to target.

Do not change to NO unless instructed by Dbvisit support, as apply depends on this to work correctly.

  • YES (default)
  • NO

Seconds between retries if conflict handling is RETRY.

Default: 5 seconds


Path to setup scripts. Used when packing scripts for support.

This path is set as part of the Setup Wizard.


If set to YES, configures processes MINE, FETCHER (if fetcher_enabled) and APPLY. Use for a single one-way configuration.

Default: YES


If set to YES, then the APPLY status line in the status bar will show the number of past conflicts even when they are resolved. This is the default.

YES (default)


APPLY IS running. Currently at PLOG 2453 and SCN 14696300 (08/16/2012 16:19:17) and 2 APPLY conflicts so far (last at 16/08/2012 15:07:37). 

If set to No, then the APPLY status line in the status bar will only show the current conflict. When they are resolved it will not show past conflicts.

APPLY IS running. Currently at PLOG 2453 and SCN 14696300 (08/16/2012 16:19:17) 


Disables/enables SNMP subagent. Also sets the index in the process table presented by the SNMP agent. (Set to 0 to disable SNMP, set to 1 if there is just one process of that particular type on the machine, set to unique values for each process type if there are multiple processes of the same type)
On Windows, no SNMP agent is supported and thus the only value supported is 0.

Default: 0


Sets community (=password) for sending of SNMP traps.

Default: public


Sets destination for SNMP traps (notifications).

  • OFF (default)
  • hostname
  • hostname:port
Setup Wizard sets this parameter based on your local timezone. This parameter is used to convert  timestamp with local time zone.
Default depends per configuration.


Quote owner/table/column name in apply SQL. Uses "" for Oracle, [] for MSSQL.

  • AUTO (default) Auto means YES for Oracle and MSSQL and NO for MYSQL.
  • YES
  • NO

Show status bar in console

  • OFF: no status bar
  • ON or STATUS: show SCNs and time 
  • LIST: show "list progress"
  • LISTALL: show "list progress all"
  • STATUS+LIST: show both STATUS and LIST (default setting by setup wizard)

This is set to a number to limit the number of active tables shown in the status bar. Example: STATUS_BAR_ACTIVE_TABLES = 20

Default: AUTO


How often should be a log message written to log showing number of processed LCRs (in LCR count) (use 0 to disable).
Values: Integer

Default: 10000 


How often should be a log message written to log showing number of processed LCRs (in seconds) (use 0 to disable).

Values: Integer

Default: 120


Set for each process to specify sort order in status bar. Simple config does this automatically, setting the order FETCHER.STATUS_SORT=01, MINE.STATUS_SORT=02, APPLY.STATUS_SORT=03.





Enables the profiler.

  • YES (Default)
  • NO

Mandatory parameter that is set in the wizard. Points to tnsnames.ora/sqlnet.ora to be used to resolve connection strings.
Default is set during the setup wizard. 

Default: TNS value set during the Setup Wizard.


Set this variable for Dbvisit Replicate with the same affect as setting them in the shell environment for any Oracle client.

Default: empty string


Watchdog will show SQL with actual values instead of just bind variables.


  • YES
  • NO (default)


Timeout for waiting on lock to be released when applying (most notably for TM/TX locks, i.e. waiting for other sessions modifying the same rows). (Waits ½ of this time before aborting due to internal deadlocks etc., waits full time for other users.)

Values: Integer (seconds)
Default: 30 

File templates

Where a template is required, specify a full filename including path, utilizing following placeholders:

  • %S – sequence
  • %T – thread
  • %E – extension (hardcoded per file type – PLOG, log, ...)
  • %P – process type (MINE, APPLY, FETCHER)
  • %N – process name
  • %D – DDC_NAME
  • %I - process ID (PID)
  • %U - six random characters (letters, numbers, underscore)


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