Oracle to SQL Server Replication Setup Example

Oracle to SQL Server Replication Setup Example

Configuring Dbvisit Replicate for the replication from Oracle to SQL Server starts with executing "setup wizard" command on Dbvisit Replicate command console. Setup wizard generates the required commands to configure the environment and start the replication. The wizard also creates the necessary scripts to create the Dbvisit Replicate schema owner, grant the necessary privileges and create the environment (DDC) file. The setup wizard can be used as a starting point and then the configuration files can be edited to create more complex replications.

When source and target Databases are running on Windows OS, the setup wizard is executed on the source system.

Whereas when the source system is Linux the setup wizards must be executed on the target Windows system.

Furthermore the setup wizard interacts with the SQL Server target database through DSN, which requires an ODBC driver.ODBC drivers for Linux have been released by Microsoft but Dbvisit Replicate currently does not support them. 

Please refer to following examples of configuring Oracle to SQL Server replication with Dbvisit Replicate on Windows to Windows systems and Linux to Windows systems.

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