Change the location of bundled libraries
Dbvisit Replicate is delivered with additional libraries which are unpacked at runtime during first execution of dbvrep executable.The default location on Unix/Linux operating systems is /tmp.
However, programs must not assume that any files or directories in /tmp are preserved between invocations of the program.
IEEE standard P1003.2 (POSIX, part 2) makes requirements that are similar to the above section. Although data stored in /tmp may be deleted in a site-specific manner, it is recommended that files and directories located in /tmp be deleted whenever the system is booted.
The /var/tmp directory is made available for programs that require temporary files or directories that are preserved between system reboots. Therefore, data stored in /var/tmp is more persistent than data in /tmp.
Dbvisit Replicate uses perl PAR-Packer to extract libraries to correct location so if you prefer /var/tmp rather than /tmp, you can change it as follows:
$ export PAR_GLOBAL_TEMP=/var/tmp
Ammend user profile to keep this configuration permanent.