Dbvisit Standby Licensing

Dbvisit Standby Licensing


Dbvisit Standby version 7 is making use of a new License Module.

If you are upgrading from a previous version, a new valid license key will be required.

The license key is in the format of seven blocks of 5 characters: XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX

An license key will look like this (this is an example demo key): BN88K-39633-BBL15-6U61L-56RBM-5RBI5-YSV0F

Even when installing Dbvisit Standby Version 7 for evaluation a trial key is required.  This key will be provided as part of the registration process for the download.  

If you are a support paying customer, you can contact Dbvisit Software Limited and request your new Version 7 License key which will be provided free of charge

Before you can apply a Dbvisit Standby license key it is required that you first create a Dbvisit Configuration File (DDC).

Once you have a valid DDC file, you can apply your license key as explained in the section below which should always be executed on the Primary Server

When using RAC it should be executed on ALL the primary RAC Nodes

Reviewing your license status

This section will show you how you can review your current license status.

Using Command Line

To display your current license information run the command "dbvisit -lic <DDC>"

Linux:  dbvisit -lic <DDC>

Windows:  dbvisit.exe -lic <DDC>

oracle@dbvlin101[/usr/dbvisit/standby]: ./dbvisit -lic devdb
Dbvisit Standby Database Technology ( (pid 6786)
dbvisit started on dbvlin101: Fri Jan 10 13:32:14 2014 ()
Dbvisit Standby license information for: devdb
license_type=DEMO (0)
Status: Valid
dbvisit ended on dbvlin101: Fri Jan 10 13:32:15 2014

Displaying your full license

To see the full Dbvisit Standby License Key - please search in the trace file created for license_key
oracle@dbvlin101[/usr/dbvisit/standby]: ./dbvisit -lic proddb
Dbvisit Standby Database Technology ( (pid 2280)
dbvisit started on dbvlin101: Thu Mar 29 11:46:00 2018 ()

Dbvisit Standby license information for: proddb
license_type=SSX (7)
Status: Valid

dbvisit ended on dbvlin101: Thu Mar 29 11:46:06 2018

oracle@dbvlin101[/usr/dbvisit/standby]: grep license_key trace/2280_dbvisit_proddb_201803291145.trc
20180329 11:46:01 main::cmn_license: license_key=FA28T-RXA1R-X4XQP-0EX7W-ZH3Q4-KJX4H-RJ5KV

Using the GUI

From the GUI interface you can follow these steps:

  1. Select "SETUP" 
  2. Click on "Register Dbvisit"
  3. The screen below will be displayed
  4. From this screen select your DDC (showed below with number 3) followed by clicking on the "Display License" button.  This will retrieve your license information and it will be displayed.

Activating the Software (Applying your license key)

Important: The License key activation only needs to be executed on the Primary Server

The activation (applying of the license key) of Dbvisit Standby can be done as follow.

Using Command Line Interface (CLI)

To apply a new license key use the following command:  dbvisit -lic <DDC> <LICENSE_KEY>   (replace <DDC> with your DDC name and <LICENSE_KEY) with the license key provided to you)

Linux:  [/usr/dbvisit/standby]: ./dbvisit -lic <DDC>  <LICENSE_KEY>

Windows: C:\Program Files (x86)\Dbvisit\Standby>dbvisit.exe -lic <DDC> <LICENSE_KEY>

Example, adding a license key for a database environment with DDC name "devdb" and license key "EB57I-DYK7K-9PI2V-1SH0D-AAWGR-2WEDY-ZJJ0F"    (note this is a demo license key)

oracle@dbvlin101[/usr/dbvisit/standby]: ./dbvisit -lic devdb EB57I-DYK7K-9PI2V-1SH0D-AAWGR-2WEDY-ZJJ0F
Dbvisit Standby Database Technology ( (pid 6953)
dbvisit started on dbvlin101: Fri Jan 10 13:46:35 2014 ()
Dbvisit Standby license information for: devdb
license_type=DEMO (0)
=>Update with license key: EB57I-DYK7K-9PI2V-1SH0D-AAWGR-2WEDY-ZJJ0F? <Yes/No> [Yes]: YES
License updated.
Status: Valid
dbvisit ended on dbvlin101: Fri Jan 10 13:46:51 2014

Using Dbvserver Graphical Interface (GUI)

  1. Select "SETUP" 
  2. Click on "Register Dbvisit"
  3. The screen below will be displayed from where you can now add the license key.
  4. From this screen select your DDC (showed below with number 3) followed by adding your license to the field (indicated with the number 4 below) and then click on "License Dbvisit Standby".  The license will now be applied.

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