E-Mail Settings
This section contains all the settings found in the Dbvisit Standby Configuration (DDC) file with regards to E-Mail configuration.
If email is not required it can be disabled by setting:
From Dbvisit Standby version 7.0.10 SSL/TLS Email (SMTP) server connectivity is supported. It is required that the MAILCFG_PROTOCOL parameter is set in the Dbvisit Standby Configuration (DDC) file with possible values SSL or TLS if this is required. Example, if gmail is used the following values must be manually specified in the primary server DDC file:
MAILCFG_SMTP_SERVER = smtp.gmail.com
MAILCFG_AUTH_USER = gmail username (this will also become the "from" address )
MAILCFG_AUTH_PASSWD = gmail password
If you are not using SSL/TLS make sure that "MAILCFG_PROTOCOL" is not set in the DDC file and if it is set it should not have a value:
There are two sections:
- General email configuration
- Advanced email configuration
General E-mail Configuration Variables
Variable Name | Meaning |
ADMINS | This variable holds the administrator email address where emails will be sent upon success or failure of Dbvisit Standby. Multiple emails should be separated with a comma (,). Also see SUCCESS_MAILTO. Examples: ADMINS = alert@mycompany.com ADMINS = alert@mycompany.com,dba@mycompany.com
SUCCESSMAIL | Specifies when Dbvisit Standby should send an email from the primary server. Possible Values:
Example (default) value: SUCCESSMAIL = Yes
SUCCESSMAIL_DR | Specifies when Dbvisit Standby should send an email from the standby server. Possible Values:
Example (default) value: SUCCESSMAIL_DR = Yes
Web Based version can display this parameter as: OWN_MAILCFG_MAIL_CLIENT | This parameter is not required from version 7.0.10 and will be ignored if set.
Specifies the mail client. Default is to use internal Dbvisit Standby mail client. The Dbvisit Standby internal mail client requires a smtp mail server to send emails. Other mail clients can be specified. Example: mail, sendmail or javamail. The default option of "dbvisit" should work for most environments and is the recommended option to set for this variable. If the Dbvisit Standby mail client is to be used, specify "Dbvisit". Example (default) value on Windows Based Systems: MAILCFG_MAIL_CLIENT= dbvisit
Example (default) value on Linux (Unix) Based Systems: MAILCFG_MAIL_CLIENT= sendmail
MAILCFG_FROM | Specifies the FROM email address of the primary server. If this is not specified, the emails may not arrive. Note that if you are using SSL/TLS SMTP server, the user name used for the Authentication will become the FROM address. Example: MAILCFG_FROM = oracledba@dbvlin101.dbvisit.com
MAILCFG_FROM_DR | Specifies the FROM email address of the standby server. If this is not specified, the emails may not arrive. Note that if you are using SSL/TLS SMTP server, the user name used for the Authentication will become the FROM address. Example: MAILCFG_FROM_DR = oracledba@dbvlin102.dbvisit.com
MAILCFG_SMTP_SERVER | Specifies the smtp server to send the email to. Is only used if the mail client is Dbvisit. Is not required when the mail client is sendmail. Examples: If you are using Linux or Unix based systems, you can specify the SMTP server to be the localhost, if it is allowed to relay email:
If you have a specific SMTP server, please specify it here. The default port used is 25, if you are using a different port make sure you update the MAILCFG_PORT parameter.
If you are using GMAIL (SSL/TLS) make sure that you specify MAILCFG_PROTOCOL=SSL and MAILCFG_PORT=465 (which is the default gmail smtp port) and make sure that you also specify your MAILCFG_AUTH_USER and MAILCFG_AUTH_PASSWD. Note that the MAILCFG_AUTH_USER will become the FROM email address.
MAILCFG_SMTP_SERVER_DR | Optional smtp mail server for the standby server. Only used if smtp mail server for the standby server differs from the main smtp mail server (MAILCFG_SMTP_SERVER). Examples: If you are using Linux or Unix based systems, you can specify the SMTP server to be the localhost, if it is allowed to relay email:
If you have a specific SMTP server, please specify it here. The default port used is 25, if you are using a different port make sure you update the MAILCFG_PORT parameter.
If you are using GMAIL (SSL/TLS) make sure that you specify MAILCFG_PROTOCOL=SSL and MAILCFG_PORT=465 (which is the default gmail smtp port) and make sure that you also specify your MAILCFG_AUTH_USER and MAILCFG_AUTH_PASSWD. Note that the MAILCFG_AUTH_USER will become the FROM email address.
SUCCESS_MAILTO | This is used to separate the success emails from the failure emails. If set, then all successful Dbvisit Standby emails will be sent to this email address. Failure or unsuccessful emails will be sent to the email address specified by ADMINS. If not set, then all emails will go to ADMINS. Example: SUCCESS_MAILTO=success@mycompany.com
Advanced Mail Settings
This section will cover the more advanced E-mail configuration settings available in the Dbvisit Standby configuration file (DDC).
Variable Name | Meaning |
EMAIL_LOG_GAP_REPORT | Determines if the Dbvisit Standby log gap report will be emailed. When Dbvisit Standby is run with the inspect command (dbvisit -i) the Dbvisit Standby log gap report will be displayed. Setting this to Yes will email this report to the email address specified by ADMINS. The Dbvisit Standby log gap report will always be written to the Dbvisit Standby database repository (DDR). Possible Values:
MAILCFG_AUTH_USER | This parameter is used to specify a username required for SMTP authentication (username). Examples: MAILCFG_AUTH_USER=<your_username> MAILCFG_AUTH_USER=admin |
MAILCFG_AUTH_PASSWD | This variable is used to specify the password required for SMTP authentication (password). Example: MAILCFG_AUTH_PASSWD=<your_password> MAILCFG_AUTH_PASSWD=adminpassword |
MAILCFG_CC | Specify email address you want to cc Dbvisit Standby email alerts to. Example: MAILCFG_CC=admin@example.com
MAILCFG_BCC | Specify email address you want to bcc Dbvisit Standby email alerts to. Example: MAILCFG_BCC=admin@example.com
MAILCFG_ATTACH_TRACEFILE | This parameter is used to specify whether to attach trace files to error emails so that these can be forwarded to Dbvisit support. Possible Values:
It is advisable to initially set to Yes Example: MAILCFG_ATTACH_TRACEFILE=Yes
MAILCFG_ATTACH_TRACEFILE_MAX_SIZE_IN_BYTES | This variable is used to specify a file size limit to attaching the tracefile. Example: MAILCFG_ATTACH_TRACEFILE_MAX_SIZE_IN_BYTES = 768000
MAILCFG_SENDMAIL_CLIENT | Note: This parameter is not used from version 7.0.10 and if set will be ignored. This parameter allows you to specify another sendmail client. Full path must be provided. MAILCFG_MAIL_CLIENT must be set to sendmail for this to take effect.
Example: ( '\' must be escaped if used on Windows ) MAILCFG_SENDMAIL_CLIENT = C:\\programs\\sendmail.exe
MAILCFG_PORT | This parameter allow you to specify another smtp port if the default is not used. Example: MAILCFG_PORT=25
If using GMAIL, make sure that you specify the correct port. The default is MAILCFG_PORT=465 for GMAIL SMTP server.
MAILCFG_DEBUG | Turn on smtp debug messages in the trace files. Possible values are 0 (default) or 1 (enable debug) Example: MAILCFG_DEBUG=1
MAILCFG_TIME_OUT | This parameter allow the option to specify smtp timeout in seconds. Example (default) value: MAILCFG_TIME_OUT=60
MAILCFG_PROTOCOL | This parameter should only be set if SSL/TLS is used. Example, for gmail (smtp.gmail.com) you can specify: MAILCFG_PROTOCOL=SSL
If you are not using SSL/TLS, do not set this parameter in your DDC. If it is set make sure it does not have any values assigned: MAILCFG_PROTOCOL=
| This variables can be used to set a prefix for the email subject line. This can then be used to set filtering rules for emails. MAILSUBJECT_PREFIX_HEARTBEAT is for the Dbvisit Standby heartbeat email. Example: MAILSUBJECT_PREFIX_LOG_GAP_REPORT=51 The result will be: "51 - Dbvisit report for PRODB: Transfer log gap: 0 Archive log gap: 0"
MAILSUBJECT_PREFIX_LOG_GAP_REPORT | This variables can be used to set a prefix for the email subject line. This can then be used to set filtering rules for emails. MAILSUBJECT_PREFIX_HEARTBEAT is for the Dbvisit Standby Log Gap Report email. Example: MAILSUBJECT_PREFIX_LOG_GAP_REPORT=52
MAILSUBJECT_PREFIX_SUCCESSFUL | This variables can be used to set a prefix for the email subject line. This can then be used to set filtering rules for emails. MAILSUBJECT_PREFIX_SUCCESSFUL is for the Dbvisit Standby Succesful email. Example: MAILSUBJECT_PREFIX_LOG_GAP_REPORT=53
SEND_HEARTBEAT (primary server)
SEND_HEARTBEAT_DR (standby server) | Determines if a daily heart beat message is sent to ensure Dbvisit Standby is still scheduled. Possible Values:
SEND_HEARTBEAT is used for the primary server. SEND_HEARTBEAT_DR is used for the standby server. Default value: Yes Example: SEND_HEARTBEAT=Yes SEND_HEARTBEAT_DR=No
Default value: No Example: SEND_LOG_GAP_WITH_HEARTBEAT=Yes
SEND_MAIL_FLAG (primary server)
SEND_MAIL_FLAG_DR (standby server) | Description: Determines if Dbvisit Standby will use email for alerting. Default value: No Possible Values:
SEND_MAIL_FLAG is for both primary server and standby servers. SEND_MAIL_FLAG_DR is only for the standby server. If SEND_MAIL_FLAG_DR is not set then SEND_MAIL_FLAG will apply to both primary and standby servers.
Default value: No Example: SEND_MAIL_FLAG=Yes SEND_MAIL_FLAG_DR=No