Dbvisit Standby Log and Trace Files

Dbvisit Standby Log and Trace Files

LOG, TRACE and TMP Directory Locations

In some cases it might be required to move the default log, trace and temporary file locations for the Dbvisit Standby as in some cases these locations can grow rapidly in size.

The default location should be sufficient for most environments, but if you do want to move these directories to a different location, you can use the LOGDIR, TRCDIR and TMPDIR directory parameters in the DDC file.  

The default location will be inside the Dbvisit Standby installation folder under the standby sub directory - example below where DBVISIT_BASE is the location where you installed Dbvisit Standby (example /usr/dbvisit or c:\Program Files (x86)\Dbvisit):


These parameters are not included in the DDC file by default and if required can be added to the DDC file (anywhere in the DDC file is fine, but at the bottom of the DDC file is recommended)

There are also standby equivalent parameters with the _DR at the end (LOGDIR_DR, TRCDIR_DR and TMPDIR_DR).

The following parameters can be set in the DDC file to overwrite the default locations of these directories inside DBVISIT_BASE/standby.

For the Primary Server set the LOGDIR, TRCDIR and TMPDIR locations (make sure that the user running Dbvisit Standby have full read/write permission on these locations)

Primary Server Settings

LOGDIR=/your_primary_log_dir_location T



For the Standby Server set the LOGDIR_DR, TRCDIR_DR and TMPDIR_DR locations (make sure that the user running Dbvisit Standby have full read/write permission on these locations)

Standby Server Settings




Trace File Housekeeping

The following settings (located in the DDC file) can be used to manage the maintenance of the trace files

Default value: 100

Description: Number of Dbvisit trace files to keep, and Dbvisit Standby will delete trace files greater than this number.  Deletes oldest trace file first.

Default value: 10 (in days)

Description: Number of days to keep Dbvisit trace files, Dbvisit Standby will delete trace files that are older than the value specified for this variable.


Logical AND applies to parameters DAYS_TO_KEEP_TRACE and NUM_TRACE_TO_KEEP when evaluating which tracefiles can be deleted. 

To turn off these maintenance settings, set to 0.

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