Standby Server Settings
Standby Server Settings
Variable Name | Meaning |
DESTINATION | Name of the standby server (or standby database server) |
Example: | |
DESTINATION = dbvisit12 | |
ORACLE_SID_DEST | Optional Oracle standby database name. This may be different to the Oracle primary database name. |
ORACLE_HOME_DR | Optional Oracle software location for standby database. Can be used if: |
Dbvisit Standby is unable to locate ORACLE_HOME for standby server and ORACLE_HOME on standby server is different to ORACLE_HOME on primary server. | |
ORACLE_BASE_DR | Optional directory location. Usually the home of Oracle where the Oracle administration files are kept on the standby server. |
Example: | |
ORACLE_BASE_DR = c:\oracle\orabase | |
BINDIR_DR | Directory for the Dbvisit Standby installation location on the standby server. |
This directory must exist on the standby server. | |
Default location is the same as the on the primary server. | |
Example: | |
BINDIR_DR = C:\program files\dbvisit | |
LOGDIR_DR | Log directory for Dbvisit Standby logfile associated with the database that it is running for on the standby server. In RAC environment set LOGDIR_DR to the same location on the standby on all primary nodes |
The usual location is: | |
ORACLE_BASE\admin\ORACLE_SID\dbvisit | |
Example: | |
LOGDIR_DR = C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\admin\w102n\dbvisit | |
ARCHDEST | Directory for (archive) log files on standby server. This is where Dbvisit Standby will place the log files. Note this location should not be the same location as the log_archive_dest or log_archive_dest_<n> parameter in the database. This location is specific to Dbvisit Standby and is not the same as the database archive log destinations. |
If using ASM for the primary database, this will also be the directory on the primary server where Dbvisit Standby will extract the ASM archive log files to, before shipping them to the standby server. In case of the primary ASM database this directory should be created on the primary server. If you need to use a location to temporary copy archives different from the location on the standby server specified by ARCHDEST, you may specify a different location using ARCHTMP. | |
Please ensure this directory is not used for any other files other than (archive) log files for this specific database. | |
Example: | |
ARCHDEST = /oracle/oraarch/dbvisitp | |
Where dbvisitp is the name of the database | |
MAX_TIMES_TRIED | Specifies the number of times that Dbvisit Standby should attempt to apply the missing log file before raising an error. |
Note this number is also used to raise an error if Dbvisit Standby cannot be started in case a previous scheduled Dbvisit Standby is still running. | |
Ensure that this number is not too low and not too high. | |
If you are unsure, set to 4 | |
Example: | |
LEAVE_COMPRESS_DEST | Specifies whether the log files should be left compressed or not on the standby server AFTER being applied on the standby database. |
Values are Yes or No | |
Yes = Leave compressed AFTER being applied | |
No = Uncompress log file AFTER being applied | |
If you are not sure, set to Yes. | |
Example: | |
ADD_DATAFILE | If a new datafile is added to the primary database to increase space or when adding a new tablespace, then Dbvisit Standby can automatically add this datafile to the standby database. |
Values are Yes or No. | |
Yes = Dbvisit Standby will automatically add new datafiles | |
No= Dbvisit Standby will not add new datafiles | |
If you are unsure, set to Yes. | |
Example: | |
ORACLE_SID_ASM_DEST | Specifies the name of the ASM instance on the standby server if standby database uses ASM and the name of the ASM instance is different than primary. Default value is the name of the ASM instance on the primary server ORACLE_SID_ASM. If standby database does not use ASM, leave as default. Example: ORACLE_SID_ASM_DEST= +ASMST |
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