RAC Settings

RAC Settings

Variable NameMeaning
RACDetermines whether Dbvisit Standby is part of a RAC (Real Application Cluster) configuration or not. 
Values are Yes or No
Yes = Dbvisit Standby is part of a RAC configuration over several instances and nodes.
No = Dbvisit Standby is configured for a single instance database.
In a RAC environment there will be a DDC file (dbv_instance_name.env) for every primary instance in the Oracle RAC.
    RAC = Yes
RAC_TAKEOVERDetermines if Dbvisit Standby processing on this RAC instance takes over Dbvisit Standby processing for another RAC instance (or node), if that instance or node is not available.
All archives must be available to all nodes.
The variable RAC_TAKEOVER_SID determines which RAC instance will be taken over.
The standby database may not be kept up to date if an instance is not available and Dbvisit Standby processing is not taken over by another instance.
Values are Yes or No.
Yes   = Dbvisit Standby (on this instance) will take over from another instance when that instance is unavailable.
No   = Dbvisit Standby (on this instance) will NOT take over from another instance when that instance is unavailable.
If you are not sure, set to Yes.
RAC_TAKEOVER_SIDSpecify the instance name that Dbvisit Standby processing should take over if that instance is unavailable.
The instance name must be different to the current instance name.
RAC_TAKEOVER_FORCEDetermines if Dbvisit Standby processing on this RAC instance take over Dbvisit Standby processing permanently for another RAC instance (or node).
Dbvisit Standby processing on this RAC instance will take over Dbvisit Standby processing on another RAC instance regardless of whether that node is available or not.
All archives must be available to all nodes.
The variable RAC_TAKEOVER_SID determines which RAC instance will be taken over.
Values are Yes or No.
Yes   = Dbvisit Standby (on this instance) will always take over from another instance. 
No    = Dbvisit Standby (on this instance) will NOT take over from another instance unless the instance is not available and RAC_TAKEOVER = Yes.
If you are not sure, set to No.