Primary Server Settings
Primary Server Settings
Variable Name | Meaning |
SOURCE | Primary server on which the primary database is installed. Dbvisit Standby software must also be installed on this server. |
Example: | |
SOURCE = dbvisit11 | |
ORACLE_BASE | Optional directory location. Usually the home of Oracle where the Oracle administration files are kept. |
Example: | |
ORACLE_BASE = c:\oracle\orabase | |
LOGDIR | Log directory for Dbvisit Standby logfile associated with the database that it is running for on the primary server. |
The usual location is: | |
ORACLE_BASE\admin\ORACLE_SID\dbvisit | |
Example: | |
LOGDIR = C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\admin\w102n\dbvisit | |
DBUSER | The Dbvisit Standby database repository (DDR) owner in the Oracle database. |
Example: | |
DBUSER = dbvisit | |
DBPASSWD | The password for the Dbvisit Standby database repository (DDR) owner. |
Example: | |
DBPASSWD = dbvisitpasswd | |
ENCRYPT_PASSWDS | Specify whether all passwords should be encrypted in the Dbvisit Standby Database Configuration (DDC) file. |
Note: To change ENCRYPT_PASSWDS from Yes to No, the DBPASSWD is required. | |
Values are Yes or No. | |
This value cannot be manually edited. Use dbvisit_setup and choose option: | |
Update the Dbvisit Standby Database configuration (DDC) file. | |
Yes = Encrypt passwords | |
No = Do not encrypt passwords | |
Default is No. | |
If you are unsure, set to No. | |
Example: | |
LEAVE_COMPRESS_SOURCE | Specifies whether the log files should be left compressed or not on the primary server AFTER having been transferred to the standby server. |
If using RMAN, the log files should be left uncompressed, otherwise RMAN cannot find the logs. If using standard backup software, leave the logs compressed. | |
Note: Log files will always be sent compressed to the standby server. This setting does not influence that. | |
Values are Yes or No | |
Yes = Leave compressed AFTER having being transferred | |
No = Uncompress log file AFTER having being transferred | |
If you are not sure, set to Yes. | |
Example: | |
SYNCH_DBVISIT_INSTALL | Specifies whether the Dbvisit Standby software and configuration files should automatically be checked and differences synchronized between primary server and standby server every time Dbvisit Standby executes. |
If network connection to your standby server is slow or through the internet, consider turning this off. | |
If turned off (No), then the Dbvisit Standby installation can be manually synchronised with command: | |
dbvisit -c <DDC> | |
Values are Yes or No | |
Yes = Test and synchronise differences | |
No = Do NOT test and synchronise differences | |
If you are not sure, set to Yes | |
Example: | |
Also see setting SYNCH_ENV_FILE_ONLY. | |
LOGSWITCH | Determines if a database log switch should be performed every time Dbvisit Standby executes. |
A database log switch archives the current redo log. | |
Values are Yes, No or Ignore. | |
No = Dbvisit Standby will perform a database log switch ONLY when there are no new archive logs to transfer. | |
Yes = Dbvisit Standby will perform a database log switch every time it executes. | |
Ignore = Dbvisit Standby will never perform a database log switch. Use this option with caution as Dbvisit Standby will not be able to guarantee how far behind in time the standby database is. Only when Oracle performs a database log switch will Dbvisit Standby transfer the current archive redo log to the standby database. | |
If you are not sure, set to No. | |
Example: | |
ORACLE_SID_ASM | Specifies the name of the ASM instance on the primary server (or node if RAC), if primary database uses ASM. Default value is +ASM |
If primary database does not use ASM, leave as default. | |
Example: | |