Primary Server Settings

Primary Server Settings

Variable NameMeaning
SOURCEPrimary server on which the primary database is installed. Dbvisit Standby software must also be installed on this server.
    SOURCE = dbvisit11
ORACLE_BASEOptional directory location. Usually the home of Oracle where the Oracle administration files are kept.
    ORACLE_BASE = c:\oracle\orabase
LOGDIRLog directory for Dbvisit Standby logfile associated with the database that it is running for on the primary server. 
The usual location is:
    LOGDIR = C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\admin\w102n\dbvisit
DBUSERThe Dbvisit Standby database repository (DDR) owner in the Oracle database.
    DBUSER = dbvisit
DBPASSWDThe password for the Dbvisit Standby database repository (DDR) owner.
    DBPASSWD = dbvisitpasswd
ENCRYPT_PASSWDSSpecify whether all passwords should be encrypted in the Dbvisit Standby Database Configuration (DDC) file.
Note: To change ENCRYPT_PASSWDS from Yes to No, the DBPASSWD is required.
Values are Yes or No.
This value cannot be manually edited. Use dbvisit_setup and choose option:
Update the Dbvisit Standby Database configuration (DDC) file.
Yes = Encrypt passwords
No = Do not encrypt passwords
Default is No.
If you are unsure, set to No.
LEAVE_COMPRESS_SOURCESpecifies whether the log files should be left compressed or not on the primary server AFTER having been transferred to the standby server.
If using RMAN, the log files should be left uncompressed, otherwise RMAN cannot find the logs. If using standard backup software, leave the logs compressed.
Note: Log files will always be sent compressed to the standby server. This setting does not influence that.
Values are Yes or No
Yes = Leave compressed AFTER having being transferred
No = Uncompress log file AFTER having being transferred
 If you are not sure, set to Yes.
SYNCH_DBVISIT_INSTALLSpecifies whether the Dbvisit Standby software and configuration files should automatically be checked and differences synchronized between primary server and standby server every time Dbvisit Standby executes.
If network connection to your standby server is slow or through the internet, consider turning this off.
If turned off (No), then the Dbvisit Standby installation can be manually synchronised with command:
    dbvisit -c <DDC>
Values are Yes or No
Yes = Test and synchronise differences
No = Do NOT test and synchronise differences
 If you are not sure, set to Yes
Also see setting SYNCH_ENV_FILE_ONLY. 
LOGSWITCHDetermines if a database log switch should be performed every time Dbvisit Standby executes.
A database log switch archives the current redo log.
Values are Yes, No or Ignore.
No = Dbvisit Standby will perform a database log switch ONLY when there are no new archive logs to transfer.
Yes = Dbvisit Standby will perform a database log switch every time it executes.
Ignore = Dbvisit Standby will never perform a database log switch.  Use this option with caution as Dbvisit Standby will not be able to guarantee how far behind in time the standby database is.  Only when Oracle performs a database log switch will Dbvisit Standby transfer the current archive redo log to the standby database.
If you are not sure, set to No.
ORACLE_SID_ASMSpecifies the name of the ASM instance on the primary server (or node if RAC), if primary database uses ASM. Default value is +ASM
If primary database does not use ASM, leave as default.