Mail Settings
This section contains all the settings found in the Dbvisit Standby Configuration (DDC) file with regards to E-Mail configuration.
There are two sections:
- General email configuration
- Advanced email configuration
General E-mail Configuration Variables
Variable Name | Meaning |
ADMINS | This variable holds the administrator email address where emails will be sent upon success or failure of Dbvisit Standby. Multiple emails should be separated with a comma (,). Also see SUCCESS_MAILTO. Examples: ADMINS = ADMINS =,
SUCCESSMAIL | Specifies when Dbvisit Standby should send an email from the primary server. Possible Values:
Example (default) value: SUCCESSMAIL = Yes
SUCCESSMAIL_DR | Specifies when Dbvisit Standby should send an email from the standby server. Possible Values:
Example (default) value: SUCCESSMAIL_DR = Yes
Web Based version can display this parameter as: OWN_MAILCFG_MAIL_CLIENT | Specifies the mail client. Default is to use internal Dbvisit Standby mail client. The Dbvisit Standby internal mail client requires a smtp mail server to send emails. Other mail clients can be specified. Example: mail, sendmail or javamail. The default option of "dbvisit" should work for most environments and is the recommended option to set for this variable. Sendmail does not need to be running in order to send mail from this server. Only when receiving mail on this server does it need to be running. If the Dbvisit Standby mail client is to be used, specify "Dbvisit". Example (default) value on Windows Based Systems: MAILCFG_MAIL_CLIENT= dbvisit
Example (default) value on Linux (Unix) Based Systems: MAILCFG_MAIL_CLIENT= sendmail
MAILCFG_FROM | Specifies the FROM email address of the primary server. If this is not specified, the emails may not arrive. Example: MAILCFG_FROM =
MAILCFG_FROM_DR | Specifies the FROM email address of the standby server. If this is not specified, the emails may not arrive. Example: MAILCFG_FROM_DR =
MAILCFG_SMTP_SERVER | Specifies the smtp server to send the email to. Is only used if the mail client is Dbvisit. Is not required when the mail client is sendmail. Examples: MAILCFG_SMTP_SERVER = smtp.<yourcompanyname>.com MAILCFG_SMTP_SERVER = MAILCFG_SMTP_SERVER =
MAILCFG_SMTP_SERVER_DR | Optional smtp mail server for the standby server. Only used if smtp mail server for the standby server differs from the main smtp mail server (MAILCFG_SMTP_SERVER). Examples: MAILCFG_SMTP_SERVER = smtp.<yourcompanyname>.com MAILCFG_SMTP_SERVER = MAILCFG_SMTP_SERVER = |
Advanced Mail Settings
This section will cover the more advanced E-mail configuration settings available in the Dbvisit Standby configuration file (DDC).
Variable Name | Meaning |
MAILCFG_AUTH_USER | This parameter is used to specify a username required for SMTP authentication (username). Examples: MAILCFG_AUTH_USER=<your_username> MAILCFG_AUTH_USER=admin
MAILCFG_AUTH_PASSWD | This variable is used to specify the password required for SMTP authentication (password). Example: MAILCFG_AUTH_PASSWD=<your_password> MAILCFG_AUTH_PASSWD=adminpassword
MAILCFG_CC | Specify email address you want to cc Dbvisit Standby email alerts to. Example:
MAILCFG_BCC | Specify email address you want to bcc Dbvisit Standby email alerts to. Example:
MAILCFG_ATTACH_TRACEFILE | This parameter is used to specify whether to attach trace files to error emails so that these can be forwarded to Dbvisit support. Possible Values:
It is advisable to initially set to Yes Example: MAILCFG_ATTACH_TRACEFILE=Yes
MAILCFG_ATTACH_TRACEFILE_MAX_SIZE_IN_BYTES | This variable is used to specify a file size limit to attaching the tracefile. Example: MAILCFG_ATTACH_TRACEFILE_MAX_SIZE_IN_BYTES = 768000
MAILCFG_SENDMAIL_CLIENT | This parameter allows you to specify another sendmail client. Full path must be provided. MAILCFG_MAIL_CLIENT must be set to sendmail for this to take effect.
Example: ( '\' must be escaped if used on Windows ) MAILCFG_SENDMAIL_CLIENT = C:\\programs\\sendmail.exe
MAILCFG_PORT | This parameter allow you to specify another smtp port if the default is not used. Example: MAILCFG_PORT=26
MAILCFG_DEBUG | Turn on smtp debug messages in the trace files. Possible values are 0 (default) or 1 (enable debug) Example: MAILCFG_DEBUG=1
MAILCFG_TIME_OUT | This parameter allow the option to specify smtp timeout in seconds. Example (default) value: MAILCFG_TIME_OUT=60