Dbvisit Replicate Environment

Dbvisit Replicate Environment

The Dbvisit Replicate environment consists of the following components:

  1. Dbvisit Replicate software. The Dbvisit Replicate software consists of the following executable: dbvrep - The main Dbvisit Replicate executable. This executable is used for all Dbvisit Replicate processes including MINE, APPLY, FETCHER and Command Console.
  2. Dbvisit Replicate Data Dictionary. This is created at time of setup and is used by Dbvisit Replicate to control and keep track of the replication process. By default the schema that owns the Dbvisit Replicate Data Dictionary is dbvrep.
  3. Dbvisit Database Configuration (DDC) file. This is similar to the init.ora parameter file of Oracle and contains the Dbvisit Replicate settings for a specific replication. The DDC file is generated by Dbvisit replicate through the setup wizard during setup for each replication.  Most of the settings are actually stored in the source database (and called DDC DB), the DDC file contains only credentials to the MINE database enabling any process to load the DDC DB settings.
  4. Dbvisit Replication configurations. For each replication, the Dbvisit Replicate setup wizard produces the necessary scripts to setup and initiate the replication. These configurations can be used for scripted deployment into production environments.

This environment will be the same on both the source (MINE) and target server (APPLY) that is running Dbvisit Replicate (except for the Dbvisit Replication configurations. This is only available on the source server).

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