PreQualificiation for Replicate POCs

PreQualificiation for Replicate POCs

Sales to complete the below form & submit to POC coordinator. With this information the POC coordinator will be able to provide scripts/links to scripts for Data Discovery for any of the POCs where Dbvisit Technical resources are requested to engage. 

Discovery scripts can be found @ http://support.dbvisit.com/hc/en-us/articles/220551807

POC Request Form to be completed by Salesperson @ https://docs.google.com/a/dbvisit.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfgPXlk-mS15rd5JVXBEf_8BV2wO7tO3LFcCFEZ72sKViyYrg/viewform?c=0&w=1

The below are required to be completed by prospect in advance of POC 

1.   Run Test Drive on AWS@  http://www.dbvisit.com/products/dbvisit_replicate_on_aws

2.   Review of Basics of Replicate 3-part series & Replicate Users’ Guide

      Series : http://blog.dbvisit.com/back-to-basics-with-dbvisit-replicate-part-i/

      Users Guide : https://dbvisit.atlassian.net/wiki/display/ugd8/UserGuide+Dbvisit+Replicate+2.8

3.   Submit Discovery script output for technical review and description of use case to test for fit. Scripts include

        a) unsupported data type check,

        b) redo volume check

        c) CLOB/BLOB/LOB/NCLOB if target is going to be NON-Oracle

        d) Trigger list

        e) Tables with no primary or unique key on source.

        f) Tables with Unsupported DELETE CASCADE constraints

        Scripts can be accessed internally on Google Drive @ 


 After are actions that partner or salesperson is to coordinate with POC Coordinator/Technical Staff for

  1. Review of use case & Discovery Data submissions
  2. Scheduling POC of technician in the prospects time zone. If Dbvisit resource assisting with task,  a Zendesk will be opened and assigned to technical staff & sales cc by POC Coordinator so support is in loop.