How to Add a Fetcher to Already Existing Configuration


This article can be used, when you want to move mine to the target system and create a fetcher on source, that will ship logs to the target mine process.

Steps Performed

  1. Shutdown:

    dbvrep> shutdown all
  2. Backup current DDC directories:

    • MINE:

      Backup & delete ddc\_backup,mine & log directory on source:

      zip -r mine\ ddc\_backup/ log/ mine/ rm -r ddc\_backup/ log/ mine/
    • APPLY:

      backup & delete ddc\_backup, apply & log directory on target:

      zip -r apply\ ddc\_backup/ log/ apply/ />rm -r ddc\_backup/ log/ apply/
  3. Create and run Fetcher configuration file:


    By default when MINE and APPLY is used. MINE is configured on 7901 and APPLY is configured on 7902. But when FETCHER is used, Replicate configures FETCHER on 7901, MINE on 7902 and APPLY on 7903. In this setup, we are adding FETCHER afterwards therefore we will set it to 7903 FETCHER.FETCHER\_DATABASE\_DBID is same as MINE.MINE\_DATABASE\_DBID. FETCHER.FETCHER\_PASSWORD is same as MINE.MINE\_PASSWORD Now, set following parameters. These parameters change their values when FETCHER is used. Set MINE remote interface to new host (target). Apply is already running on <target>:7902 so do not touch it.

    Run this file in dbvrep console:

  4. Delete metadata about non obsolete archived logs.

    • Check the last obsolete redo in dbvrep console:

    • Delete all registered archived logs from DBRSMINE\_REDO\_LOG\_HISTORY table (under dbvrep schema):

      • Backup original table:

      • Delete the rows:

  5. Create Fetcher DDC file:

    Use cp or mv command to copy/move the original MINE ddc file.

    On source:

    Delete or modify whole part after the section: 

  6. Restore apply directory on target from apply\

    When restarted, APPLY will look for plogs in this directory.

  7. Modify starting file on source:

    Modify the starting scripts to start the fetcher using DDC file created in step 5.

  8. Start fetcher:

  9. Modify target starting file - add line with mine start

  10. Start the MINE and APPLY processes

Petr Horejs May 26, 2015 02:30