Error-3112 - Event enq: TX – allocate ITL entry
Problem Description
Sometimes we receive a error message in the APPLY log as below , This article explains how to resolve the issue:
2015/01/01 11:10:30 ERROR> ERR-3112: Apply waiting on lock on DBVREP user.
This is either an internal deadlock, multiple running appliers using the same data, or someone manually changing data using this account.
User DBVREP, sid,serial#: 15,529,
Module/Action/ClientInfo: XID: 0005.01f.008c23da/start SCN: 8412318113/,
Last Call Elapsed Time 71, Event enq: TX – allocate ITL entry.
RBA: 0x00004a.0032b1ce.0021.2. SQL: update “SCOTT”.”EMPLOYEES”
The key in the error above is Event enq: TX – allocate ITL entry.
You need to increase the Inittrans
on the table:
ALTER TABLE scott.employees INITTRANS 100;
However, remember that this would only take effect on new data blocks. You may have to move
the table in order to have it take affect:
ALTER TABLE scott.employees MOVE INITTRANS 100;
Chris Lawless February 13, 2015 08:22