Loading a table while replication is ongoing
Problem Description
Is it possible to call the LOAD feature while replication is ongoing?
Yes there is a New Feature in 2.8 that allows this to occur.  The command is called PROCESS LOAD_REQUEST
. You will need to make sure that the DBVREP schema has the proper privileges on the source:
grant select, flashback on chris.tab_tab to dbvrep
First Pause the mine:
dbvrep> pause mine
Mine requested to pause.
Then PREPARE the table:
dbvrep> prepare table scott.emp
Connecting to running apply [SCOTT.EMP]: [Apply table removed (0 metadata record(s)). Apply table added (1 metadata record(s)).]
Connecting to running mine [SCOTT.EMP]: [Table prepared (1 internal records).]
Table SCOTT.EMP instantiated at SCN *98389504*
LOAD the table:
Resume MINE: