Oldest redo log sequence required by MINE

Oldest redo log sequence required by MINE


The list obsolete redo command lists the oldest redo log sequence that is required by the MINE process on a restart. Because of long running transactions and or locks this can sometimes be quite a few hours back:


dbvrep> list obsolete redo Thread 1 last obsolete sequence#: 661245 (19 hours and 4 minutes ago)

To determine which transactions are causing the oldest sequence to be required, the following SQL can be run:

select s.SID, s.SERIAL#, s.USERNAME, s.PROGRAM, t.START_TIME from v$transaction t, v$session s where s.SADDR=t.SES_ADDR order by t.START_TIME desc

Example output of the query:

SID SERIAL# USERNAME PROGRAM START_TIME ---------- ---------- --------------- -------- -------------------- 840 45607 IE003858 08/16/13 14:52:47 331 56253 IE003858 08/16/13 14:42:00 599 32280 IE003858 08/16/13 13:28:08 89 58824 IE003858 08/16/13 13:22:45 219 48753 IE003858 08/16/13 13:22:34

Next step:

Investigate why these transactions are still running. It could be that each session is blocking each other and holding the transactions open.


How does replicate get the "list obsolete redo" information? 


Mine keeps track of open transactions + rows not assembled on log switch + LOBs not assembled on log switch. This gives us SCN/plog. Mine than uses SQL to convert it to redo sequences - and it can even decide that the query is too slow and that it should not do it on every log switch. 

Arjen Visser August 18, 2013 10:11