Adding Tables Using the Silent Flag

Problem Description

This article explains how to Add/Prepare tables to replication using the silent Flag. This suppresses the header messages which might be unwanted when executed by a script or batch process.


Adding tables into an existing Replication can be performed using the 

  • -silent

 flag to suppress the display of header information. For example:

  1. On the Source Machine where Replicate console is running, navigate to the DDC directory:

    $cd /home/oracle/REPPOC
  2. Add table test.t2 using:

    $./ --silent prepare table test.t2

When replicating multiple tables you can simplify the process by creating a bash script. For example

#!/bin/bash cd /home/oracle/REPPOC ./ --silent prepare table test.t2 ./ --silent prepare table test.t3 ./ --silent prepare table test.t4

Executing outputs the following:

Other ways to add tables to a Replication include:

Ankit Arora January 23, 2015 14:09