Graceful Switchover prerequisites
1. Ensure Dbvisit Standby is no longer scheduled on the primary and standby servers.
2. Ensure there is enough space on the standby server to receive the primary redo logs, and any new archive logs created.
3. Ensure that the standby database is in archive log mode.
4. Ensure there is sufficient space on the primary server for complete backups of the redo logs. Required space will be double the current redo log space requirements.
5. The standby database must be up to date before starting the switchover process. Dbvisit Standby will check if this is the case and will not initiate the switchover if the standby database is not up to date.
6. Oracle database parameters db_file_name_convert and log_file_name_convert must be set to default values (null strings) in the primary database prior to switchover.
If either of the parameters are set to non null values in an Oracle database version 11 and higher that uses an spfile (not pfile), Dbvisit will automatically reset both parameters to default values during Graceful Switchover so no action is required.
In case a primary database has version is 10 or lower, or a database uses a pfile, Graceful Switchover will terminate, and instructions to reset both parameters and restart the primary database will be displayed.
dbv_oraStartStop switchover dbvisitp
Dbvisit Standby Database Technology
dbv_oraStartStop started on dbvisit31
Graceful Switchover starting on Primary Database dbvisitp.
Timestamp: 200901181710.
>>> Database dbvisitp will be shutdown and restarted <<<
Ensure Dbvisit is no longer scheduled.
Obtaining archive log gap....
Contacting Standby Database dbvisitp on dbvisit32...
Last standby sequence obtained (3393).
200901181710 - Archive log gap between primary and standby database is 1,
and this difference is too much to perform graceful switchover. Please first run dbvisit
on dbvisit32 to ensure standby database is more up to date
Dbvisit terminated.
Return code = 523
Where dbvisitp is the name of the database, dbvisit31 is the primary server, dbvisit32 is the standby server.
To ensure standby database is up to date, run Dbvisit Standby manually on both primary and standby databases.
7. The standby database must be available. Dbvisit Standby will check if this is the case and will not initiate the switchover if the standby database is not available.
dbv_oraStartStop switchover dbvisitp
Dbvisit Standby Database Technology
dbv_oraStartStop started on dbvisit31
Graceful Switchover starting on Primary Database dbvisitp.
Timestamp: 200901181710.
>>> Database dbvisitp will be shutdown and restarted <<<
Ensure Dbvisit is no longer scheduled.
Obtaining archive log gap....
Contacting Standby Database dbvisitp on dbvisit32...
200901181710 - Problem with obtaining the last sequence from standby database on dbvisit32.
200901230534 - Oracle is not available. Database may be down. Please check
Oracle error: ERROR at line 1:ORA-01034: ORACLE not available
Dbvisit terminated.
Return code = 1034
Where dbvisitp is the name of the database, dbvisit31 is the primary server, dbvisit32 is the standby server.
8. If standby database is in ASM, Ensure that the ONLINELOG (or equivalent) directory exists in ASM to receive the redologs from the primary database. This directory can be created manually with +ASM.