Graceful Switchover log files

Graceful Switchover log files

Graceful Switchover will generate a log file. This file will be in the same location as the dbvisit.hist log file and is called: 
The location is determined by the LOGDIR and the LOGDIR_DR variables in the Dbvisit Database Configuration file dbv_<DDC>.env.

Graceful Switchover housekeeping

During the Graceful Switchover process, Dbvisit Standby creates backup copies of the Oracle redo logs, controlfiles and database configuration files. It also generates a number of small text files to pass information about Graceful Switchover between the primary and standby servers. All files generated during Graceful Switchover are placed in a directory TMP/GS/<DDC>, apart from backup copies of database configuration files which are created under Dbvisit working directory. For example, if TMP is set to /var/tmp and DDC to dbvisitp, files will be created unde /var/tmp/GS/dbvisitp.
These backup copies are NOT removed by Dbvisit Standby as they may be required for rollback purposes. However after successful switchover, they are no longer required and may be removed manually.