Reversing Graceful Switchover back to original state

Reversing Graceful Switchover back to original state

To reverse the switchover so that the new standby database transitions back to the original primary database and the new primary database transitions back to the original standby database, the same process as before is initiated. For completion the steps are shown below. However, they are exactly the same as above (starting the Graceful Switchover).
Note that the standby server contains the new primary database and the primary server contains the new standby database. 
Transition overview:
[Primary server] standby database > primary database
[Standby server] primary database > standby database

1. On the standbyserver start the Graceful Switchover procedure.


dbv_oraStartStop switchover dbvisitp
Where dbvisitp is the name of the database

2. On the primaryserver start the Graceful Switchover procedure.


dbv_oraStartStop switchover dbvisitp
Where dbvisitp is the name of the database

3. Enter a unique key on the standbyserver.


Dbvisit Standby Database Technology (pid 24310)
dbv_oraStartStop started on dbvisit31

Graceful Switchover starting on Standby Database dbvisitp.
Timestamp: 201112051719.
Database dbvisitp will be shutdown and restarted!
Ensure Dbvisit is no longer scheduled.

Please enter unique key to begin graceful switchover for database dbvisitp.
The same key must be entered on both primary and standby server.

Please start command: dbv_oraStartStop switchover dbvisitp
on dbvisit32.avisit.co.nz if not already started.

Please enter unique key:
Key 41 entered.
Where dbvisitp is the name of the database, dbvisit31 is the primary server, dbvisit32 is the standby server.

The standby database must be up to date before starting the switchover process. Dbvisit Standby will check the archive log gap and will not initiate the switchover if the standby database is not up to date.

4. Enter the same unique key on the primaryserver. This ensures that both processes are linked to each other.


Dbvisit Standby Database Technology (pid 5060)
dbv_oraStartStop started on dbvisit32
Graceful Switchover starting on Primary Database dbvisitp5 with standby database dbvisitp.
Timestamp: 201112051719.

>>> Database dbvisitp5 will be shutdown and restarted <<<
Ensure Dbvisit is no longer scheduled.

Obtaining archive log gap....
Contacting Standby Database dbvisitp5 on dbvisit31.avisit.co.nz...
Last standby sequence obtained (13881) for thread 1.

Archive Log Gap for thread 1 is: 0. This is correct to continue.

Please enter unique key to begin graceful switchover for database dbvisitp5.
The same key must be entered on both primary and standby server.

Please start command: dbv_oraStartStop switchover dbvisitp5
on dbvisit31.avisit.co.nz if not already started.

Please enter unique key:
Key 41 entered.
Where dbvisitp is the name of the database, dbvisit31 is the primary server, dbvisit32 is the standby server.

The switchover process has now started. For more information about the messages during the switchover, please see the Complete switchover processing section below.

5. At the end of the switchover the primary database has transitioned to its original standby database:


 Graceful switchover completed. 
This database (dbvisitp) is now a standby database.

To keep this new standby database in synch,
please schedule Dbvisit as per normal:
dbvisit dbvisitp
dbv_oraStartStop ended on dbvisit32
Where dbvisitp is the name of the database, dbvisit31 is the primary server, dbvisit32 is the standby server.

6. At the end of the switchover the standby database has transitioned to its original primary database:


 Graceful switchover completed. 

This database (dbvisitp) is now the primary database.

It is recommended to issue command:
This ensures that all database write operations are logged and the standby database will be consistent.

To keep the standby database on dbvisit31 in synch with this primary database,
reschedule Dbvisit as per normal:
dbvisit dbvisitp
dbv_oraStartStop ended on dbvisit31
Where dbvisitp is the name of the database, dbvisit31 is the primary server, dbvisit32 is the standby server.

7. Graceful Switchover has been completed and is back to its original state. The primary database is now back on the primary server, and the standby database is now back on the standby server.

8. To confirm that the original primary database is now once again the primary database, the following command maybe run:


 dbv_oraStartStop stat dbvisitp 
Dbvisit Standby Database Technology
dbv_oraStartStop started on dbvisit31

Regular Database dbvisitp on dbvisit31 is up.

dbv_oraStartStop ended on dbvisit31
Where dbvisitp is the name of the database, dbvisit31 is the primary server, dbvisit32 is the standby server.

9. To confirm that the original standby database is now once again the standby database, the following command maybe run:


 dbv_oraStartStop stat dbvisitp 
Dbvisit Standby Database Technology
dbv_oraStartStop started on dbvisit32

Standby Database dbvisitp on dbvisit32 is up.

dbv_oraStartStop ended on dbvisit32

Where dbvisitp is the name of the database, dbvisit31 is the primary server, dbvisit32 is the standby server.


10. To keep the primarydatabase in sync with the standby database, Dbvisit Standby may be run as per usual.


 dbvisit dbvisitp 
Dbvisit Standby Database Technology
dbvisit started on dbvisit31

Checking Dbvisit installation differences between dbvisit31 and dbvisit32...
No Dbvisit installation differences found between dbvisit31 and dbvisit32.

Log file(s) for dbvisitp will be transferred from dbvisit31 to dbvisit32...
Transferring 1_3396_0562150315.log.gz to host dbvisit32:1_3396_0562150315.log.gz
Transferring 1_3397_0562150315.log.gz to host dbvisit32:1_3397_0562150315.log.gz
Transferring 1_3398_0562150315.log.gz to host dbvisit32:1_3398_0562150315.log.gz
Transferring 1_3399_0562150315.log.gz to host dbvisit32:1_3399_0562150315.log.gz

200902230542 - 4 Log transfer(s) to dbvisit32 for dbvisitp completed.
Last sequence was 3399.

dbvisit ended on dbvisit31
Where dbvisitp is the name of the database, dbvisit31 is the primary server, dbvisit32 is the standby server.

11. To keep the standbydatabase in sync with the new primary database. Dbvisit Standby may be run as per normal.


 dbvisit dbvisitp 
Dbvisit Standby Database Technology
dbvisit started on dbvisit32

Log file(s) for dbvisitp from dbvisit31 will be applied to dbvisit32...
200901181718 - Log seq 3397 applied to standby database dbvisitp.
200901181718 - Log seq 3398 applied to standby database dbvisitp.
200901181718 - Log seq 3399 applied to standby database dbvisitp.

dbvisit ended on dbvisit32
Where dbvisitp is the name of the database, dbvisit31 is the primary server, dbvisit32 is the standby server.

12. Enable the scheduling of Dbvisit Standby on both the primary and standby server to keep the standby database up to date as per normal.