Starting Graceful Switchover
The Graceful Switchover procedure must be activated on both the primary and the standby server.
Transition overview:
[Primary server] primary database > standby database
[Standby server] standby database > primary database
The command to initiate Graceful Switchover is:
dbv_oraStartStop switchover <DDC> [unique_key]
This command must be issued on both the primary and the standby server.
Home> Run > Run Interactive > Primary Server tab > select Database from drop-down menu > select Graceful Switchover from Run Action drop-down menu > Run
Enter a unique key such as 4456, this must be the same key as entered on the standby tab.
Home> Run > Run Interactive > Standby Server tab > select Database from drop-down menu > select Graceful Switchover from Run Action drop-down menu > Run
Enter a unique key such as 4456, this must be the same key as entered on the primary tab.
The rest of the examples show command line interface (CLI), however the output is identical to the web-based (GUI) version.
Note that both the primary and the standby database will be shutdown and restarted during the switchover.
1. On the primary server start the Graceful Switchover procedure.
dbv_oraStartStop switchover dbvisitp
Where dbvisitp is the name of the database
2. On the standby server start the Graceful Switchover procedure.Where dbvisitp is the name of the database
dbv_oraStartStop switchover dbvisitp
Where dbvisitp is the name of the database
3. Enter a unique key on the primary server. This unique key can be any number that has not previously been used for Graceful Switchover. Dbvisit Standby will notify if a previously used key is used.
Graceful Switchover starting on Primary Database dbvisitp.
Timestamp: 200902230513.
>>> Database dbvisitp will be shutdown and restarted <<<
Ensure Dbvisit is no longer scheduled.
Obtaining archive log gap....
Contacting Standby Database dbvisitp on dbvisit32...
Last standby sequence obtained (3387).
Archive Log Gap is: 0. This is correct to continue.
Please enter unique key to begin graceful switchover for database dbvisitp.
The same key must be entered on both primary and standby server.
Please start command: dbv_oraStartStop switchover dbvisitp
on dbvisit32 if not already started.
Please enter unique key:3550
Where dbvisitp is the name of the database, dbvisit31 is the primary server, dbvisit32 is the standby server.
4. Enter the same unique key on the standbyserver. This ensures that both processes are linked to each other.
Graceful Switchover starting on Standby Database dbvisitp.
Timestamp: 200902181649.
Database dbvisitp will be shutdown and restarted!
Ensure Dbvisit is no longer scheduled.
Please enter unique key to begin graceful switchover for database dbvisitp.
The same key must be entered on both primary and standby server.
Please start command: dbv_oraStartStop switchover dbvisitp
on dbvisit31 if not already started.
Please enter unique key:
Key 3550 entered.
Where dbvisitp is the name of the database, dbvisit31 is the primary server, dbvisit32 is the standby server.
The switchover process has now started. For more information about the messages and process during the switchover, please see the Graceful Switchover errors and recovery section below.
5. At the end of the switchover the primary database has transitioned to a standby database:
Checkpoint 14 completed. Key found on
File dbv_dbvisitp.env copied to dbv_dbvisitp.env.201112051708.
Dbvisit Database configuration (DDC) file dbv_dbvisitp.env has
been updated and variables have been reversed between primary and standby server.
Waiting for Checkpoint 15 on
Checkpoint 15 completed. Key found on
Waiting for Checkpoint 16 on
Checkpoint 16 completed. Key found on
Waiting for Checkpoint 17 on
Checkpoint 17 completed. Key found on
Tempfiles dropped.
Waiting for Checkpoint 18 on
Checkpoint 18 completed. Key found on
Graceful switchover completed.
This database (dbvisitp) is now a standby database.
To keep this new standby database in synch,
reschedule Dbvisit as per normal:
dbvisit dbvisitp
dbv_oraStartStop ended on dbvisit31
Where dbvisitp is the name of the database, dbvisit31 is the primary server, dbvisit32 is the standby server.
6. At the end of the switchover the standby database has transitioned to a primary database:
Checkpoint 14 completed. Key found on
File dbv_dbvisitp.env copied to dbv_dbvisitp.env.201112051709.
Dbvisit Database configuration (DDC) file dbv_dbvisitp.env has
been updated and variables have been reversed between primary and standby server.
Waiting for Checkpoint 15 on
Checkpoint 15 completed. Key found on
Tempfiles created.
Waiting for Checkpoint 16 on
Checkpoint 16 completed. Key found on
Waiting for Checkpoint 17 on
Checkpoint 17 completed. Key found on
FORCE LOGGING is turned on in the primary database dbvisitp5 on
Waiting for Checkpoint 18 on
Checkpoint 18 completed. Key found on
Graceful switchover completed.
This database (dbvisitp5) is now the primary database.
You may consider re-creating a password file to make sure all sysdba passwords are preserved.
To keep the standby database on in synch with this primary database,
reschedule Dbvisit as per normal:
dbvisit dbvisitp
dbv_oraStartStop ended on dbvisit32
Where dbvisitp is the name of the database, dbvisit31 is the primary server, dbvisit32 is the standby server.
7. Graceful Switchoverhas been completed. The primary database is now on the standby server, and the standby database is now on the primary server.
8. To confirm that the old standby database is now the new primary database, the following command maybe run:
dbv_oraStartStop status dbvisitp
Dbvisit Standby Database Technology
dbv_oraStartStop started on dbvisit32
Regular Database dbvisitp on dbvisit32 is up.
dbv_oraStartStop ended on dbvisit32
Where dbvisitp is the name of the database, dbvisit31 is the primary server, dbvisit32 is the standby server.
9. To confirm that the old primary database is now the new standby database, the following command maybe run:
dbv_oraStartStop status dbvisitp
Dbvisit Standby Database Technology
dbv_oraStartStop started on dbvisit31
Standby Database dbvisitp on dbvisit31 is up.
dbv_oraStartStop ended on dbvisit31
Where dbvisitp is the name of the database, dbvisit31 is the primary server, dbvisit32 is the standby server.
Batch mode
To run the Graceful Switchover in batch mode without having to enter the unique key interactively, the unique key can be specified on the command line. The unique key can be any number that uniquely identifies the Graceful Switchover processing and that has not been used before. The same key must be used on the primary and the standby server.
To run in batch mode:
1. On the primaryserver:
dbv_oraStartStop switchover dbvisitp 6678
Where dbvisitp is the name of the database, dbvisit31 is the primary server, dbvisit32 is the standby server.
2. On the standbyserver:
dbv_oraStartStop switchover dbvisitp 6678
Where dbvisitp is the name of the database, dbvisit31 is the primary server, dbvisit32 is the standby server.